The Monster Of Frankenstein – Volume 01 Issue 04

The Monster Of Frankenstein – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Death Of The Monster!”

The monster rose up from the tangled pile of wooden floor beams and planking to find his new friends buried nearby. The cabin boy Sean Farrell and Captain Robert Walton IV had been caught in the same collapse of rotting timbers which made up the ghost ship they were using as an impromptu shelter. Now the wreck had become their tomb.

Frantically, each piece of lumber was lifted up off the men’s broken bodies, but it was all in vain. The Eskimo tracker Canute lay dead and the other two would not survive the night under the harsh Antarctic  weather. The cold had already siphoned all the feeling from the Captain’s legs. All the monster could do now was make them comfortable and wait.

As he did so the Captain would learn more of the monster’s history. From Frankenstein’s death, to his creation’s brief stay with an outlasted tribe of primitives, the monster experienced nothing but pain and suffering. In his last moments of life Robert Walton IV had finally understood why the creature had hated man. God’s chosen had done nothing but violate the sanctity of death then try and murder what they didn’t understand.

Will the passing of Robert Walton’s grandson bring absolution to the monster? Is there another descendant to Victor Von Frankenstein living in the 19th century? Will the monster escape desolation on the small Antarctic island? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Welcome to another art clinic on Ploog awesomeness, your host will be the Monster Of Frankenstein. Even though it’s not as cool as his work on Werewolf By Night, it’s apparent Mike Ploog had cornered the market as a horror comic penciller for Marvel in the early 1970s. Gary Friedrich’s writing was just the cherry on top of this sad melodrama.

Things were flying pretty high for the monsters and their fans. But would it last? We will have to see as the reviews continue. For this issue, I give a wholehearted four out of five star rating. If you find any copies of Frankenstein’s Monster in the wild, pick them up! You won’t regret it.



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