Batman: Gotham Nights – Volume 01 Issue 04

Batman: Gotham Nights – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Heart Of The City”

Isolation, loneliness, they can impact even the most noble person. Living in a city like Gotham will amplify these conditions, resulting in acute psychosis for those who don’t seek help. In the case of Rosemary Hayes, her quest to unmask the one true love in her life – Frank, has driven her to madness. Why is Frank playing games? She knows he is Batman. Rosemary decides to draw him out in public one way or another.

Robinson Central Terminal – midday, Joel and Emma Mayfield have arrived at the train station early. Joel has scheduled another appointment with Doctor Leonetti only at the request of his wife. There is good news about his fatal disease, but no details were given. Joel carries his newly acquired pistol in his right pocket. If the news does not meet his expectations, he can always go with plan B.

On the opposite side of the train station entry way Migdalia Viella is walking towards the doors. Behind her, sever yards back, Dionisio follows her from a distance. He is here to watch his wife. Who is she having an affaire with? Dion also carries a stolen firearm given to him by Hector, the gang banger from the slums of Gotham’s industrial district. Will Migdalia’s lowlife husband find out her story before opening fire?

Nearby Jennifer Lee is in hot pursuit of her old friend Jimmy Ciccerone. Her recent action has ruined their friendship, but she wanted to make amends. The troubled man revealed his former marriage to her in gruesome detail. Thanks to the Joker’s venom gas attack, Angie Ciccerone was horribly disfigured and left for dead on the streets of Gotham’s financial district. If only Jennifer can make Jimmy stop and listen!

Why has Rosemary traveled to the top of the Crossroads building which faces the entrance to the Robinson Central Terminal? What is in the long package tucked under her arm? Will Bruce Wayne make his meeting with the Wayne Foundation? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

This was an intense ending to a wonderful miniseries. The whole team at DC Comics should be proud of this one, I just wish their current writers, artists, and producers kept this level of creativity. I feel the big boy publishers these days are more focused on identity politics and alternative cover art sales than producing memorable titles.

As stated in my previous reviews, even though Batman takes a cameo role in this series, you should pick this one up. Batman: Gotham Nights focus on the normal citizens of Gotham, yet it is intriguing enough to pull you in. I’m giving this issue four out of five stars; the series is a five-star idea in conception and delivery.



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