Batman – Volume 43 Issue 350

Batman – Volume 43 Issue 350

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Nightmare In Crimson”

Dick Grayson awakes from a nightmare and finds himself in a strange bedroom. The visions of Dala attacking him are still fresh in his mind. The fangs, the blood. Was it really her? Before Dick can delve deeper into his memories, the voice of an elderly priest brings him back to reality. Robin has found himself an unwilling patient at Saint Jude’s Hospital.

Twelve hours later – Wayne Manor, Batman has returned from a case involving the Headmaster and his sinister Crime Academy. It was a long flight back from the west coast, but closing down that crime operation was a top priority. Before Bruce can decompress in the solitude of the batcave, Robin races in through the tunnels on his motorcycle. Alfred and Bruce Wayne study the rough demeanor of the young man. It is as if Dick is operating in a half trance.

The next day finds Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson attending a social party at Dala’s estate. Dick made Bruce promise to meet his new love interest. This was only half the reason Bruce agreed to go. Vicky Vale, reporter for Gotham City’s leading news magazine, would also be in attendance. Days before she had contacted Bruce threatening to release damning evidence in regards to Batman’s secret identity.

What strange power does Dala hold over the young Dick Grayson? Has Batman finally met his death amongst gardens in the pale moonlight? Can vampirism truly exist in 20th century Gotham?

“Those Lips, Those Eyes”

For a woman suffering from a split personality disorder, remembering the night before can be difficult at times. This specific time is one of those moments. Selina Kyle sits up in bed and looks around at the cheap hotel room. Was it the Catwoman who brought her there? After a few minutes Selina gets up and walks to the bathroom. To her shock, the body of a young woman lies dead on the tile floor. Did the Catwoman kill this lady? Has Catwoman killed before?

After a closer look at the body, Selina realizes the woman could pass as her twin sister. She takes another minute to search the room, but a Matchbook is all she could find. A sudden knock at the door sends Selina into full panic mode. She springs towards the window. With a combination of somersaults, the Catwoman quickly exits the hotel room.

Will Selina keep it together long enough to solve the mystery of the dead lookalike? Does the bartender at Georgie’s Bar know more than he is say? Is Selina about to climb a stripper pole? Collect the series to find!

Reviewer Notes

I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news. The good news, I stumbled across a really interesting vampire storyline in Batman #350. The bad news is I have no idea where this story starts, and I have to find Detective Comics #517 to see how the story ends.

I love when DC Comics writers introduce horror elements into the main hero titles. The last time I saw Batman anywhere near a vampire was in the 1998 Scare Tactics title. What makes this issue really shine is the art by Gene Colon and Tony DeZuniga. The vampire scenes and the Catwoman splash page are most excellent. Now I must unravel the mystery of Father Green and Dala the striper. I’m giving Batman #350 four out of five stars, and  recommending this one to all batman fans out there. P.S. –  Who is the “Monk”?



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