Bêlit & Valeria: Sword Vs. Sorcery – Volume 01 Issue 02

Bêlit & Valeria: Sword Vs. Sorcery – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

In a time when the sapphire waters of the Black Coast spew back the unwanted necro flesh of slain pirate queens, and whore-masters fall by the hand their embolden courtesan, the world’s sorcerers amass in numbers to indulge their sadism at the Festival of the Blameless. It is there that my captain sought answers to her queries. In the barren sands of Stygia we traveled, under a waxing moon our search to satisfy blame drove us forward foolishly. 

Can mortal men wield such power to revive those fallen in battle? Has humanity lost the need for divine intervention? What claims more of man’s attention, the details of a story, or the uncovered breasts of the woman giving such candor? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Warning: This comic book is meant for adult audiences; parents please be advised…

The raunchiness gets turned up to eleven in issue number two of Bêlit & Valeria: Sword Vs. Sorcery. Wow, even as a dude I found Curt the “Well Hung Cocksmith” poetic writing a little grotesque. I believe the modern response to the Bard would be “thanks for the visual”. I have to give it to Max Bemis and Rodney Buchemi, they do produce an entertaining book. 

As with issue one, we are provided with more of Robert E. Howard’s world building penned for the pages of Phantagraph magazine. His details are well written, though over-explained in my opinion. I’m more of a visual person, so the endless naming of countries and their changes over multiple time-frames doesn’t last in my long term memory. If such information was provided in a visual format, I don’t know, maybe in a comic full book issue, I would remember it better.

In any case, I’m giving another five out of five stars. This is a very entertaining story and the art is top notch. Now what the heck is a spider ape?



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Cover Artist(s)

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