Blade – Volume 05 Issue 08

Blade – Volume 05 Issue 08

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Mother Of Evil – Part 08”

Los Angeles – California, Blade has just made a pact with one woman no mortal should trust. Welcome to Blade and Rotha’s Bogus Journey! With the vampire hunter running out of friends he decides to go for broke and attempt a parley with hell Itself. The only problem now is finding a way back to the mortal plain.

Will helping to save mankind protect the supernatural ego of a Devil’s daughter? Can Doctor Strange protect an innocent child from the madness of an eternal hell? Has the Adana destroyed the Circle of Desolation by bring hell to Earth? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Blade is grasping at every straw he can as the “Mother Of Evil” story continues to limp along with no end in sight. I really had high hopes for this series, but eight issues in and there is still no resolution. Just how powerful is the Adana anyways? Where are all the Hell Lords? Shouldn’t they all be teaming up stomp this nobody back to the stone age river?

The only thing interesting about this entire issue was the alternative cover celebrating the 1997 release of Blade series. Other than that, there isn’t much here to get excited about. Two people teaming up in hell, an army it does not make. I’m giving issue eight of Blade three out of five stars.



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