My Rating ★★★ “The Dream Team” Have things really changed under Doctor Doom? Many people who defied the Latverian dictator and his global insurrection now find themselves asking that very…
My Rating ★★★★★ “Fangs & Foolish Thieves - Part 02” In a lavish inn near the Kyros market district, Conan and Bêlit strike a pact with one of the cutthroats…
My Rating ★★★★ “Werewolf By Night – Part 07” Taken! As the lifeless body of Elsa Bloodstone lays at the bottom of a mountainous ravine, Queen Lilith spirits Jack Russell…
My Rating ★★★★ “Evil Ed Rising” Years have passed since the Dandrige slayings rocked the small town of Rancho Corvallis. Now, one of his disciples, “Evil” Ed Thompson, is cursed…
My Rating ★★★★★ “Chapter One - The Exercise Of Power” It has been one year since the vampire invasion of Earth was thwarted by Victor Von Doom. In the event…
My Rating ★★★★★ “Chapter One: The Witch On The Scarp” Love can sometimes be a fleeting thing. Unless, of course, one has been tricked into drinking a love potion. Take…
My Rating ★★★ “Blade: Red Band - Part 04” Blade awakens to find himself bound in chains. Elena, the synthetically altered backstreet fighter, has made the Daywalker a prisoner. Are…
My Rating ★★ “His Master’s Voice – Part 18” Doomed! Red Sonja and Kulan Gath have become trapped in a reality that neither can break free from. This place is…
My Rating ★★★★ “Die By The Sword” Weeks have gone by with little success. Reed Richards, one of Earth's finest minds, has invented machines to travel to other dimensions, as…
My Rating ★★★★★ “King Conan: The Ensorcelled - Part 03 The Woods Of The Witchbreaker” Surrounded by the Brethren of the Briar on his descent down the Graaskal Mountains, Conan…