Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 05

Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Private Lives”

Late in the evening most of the Challengers of the Unknown stand over a case workers desk looking at murder scene photos. How could a young girl commit such atrocities? The father, the mother, and a four month old sibling. All killed in separate attacks throughout the home. The team all confer in disgust, accept Clay Brody. Where is he? 

What they don’t know is he is laying unconscious in a hospital bed down the street from the police station. What Clay doesn’t know is that he is in such a bed. Clay Brody is in a different place and in a different time all together. Who ir what is Clay now? Killer, failed stock car driver, or domestic abuser. What is real and what is the past? Collect the series to find out.

Reviewer Notes

This issue was an interesting experiment, however a little hard to follow. I had to find the official DC Comics explanation to this story. What they claim was hard to piece together from the limited knowledge of Clay Brody’s background.



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