Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 06

Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 06

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Convergence: Part 03 of 04 – Private Lives”

Breaking News, one in twelve people around the world have fallen into a mysterious coma state. Kenn Kawa, member of the internationally famed Challengers of the Unknown, states his daughter Danni is one of the afflicted. The data from Center For Disease Control (CDC) shows that all of the inflicted have a birth date between October 23rd and November 21st. 

Does the Zodiac calendar hold the answers to the global pandemic? Will Clay Brody hold hands across America? What elemental properties do topaz gemstones hold? Collect the series to find out!

Editor Notes

This is part three in the four part Convergence cross series story arch. This issue was kind of a dud. The story doesn’t really refer back to part one and two started in Book of Fate and Night Force. At least they didn’t have an artist change. I’m going with three stars.



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