Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 07

Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 07

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Last Days – Part 01 of 03

Some say trouble always comes in threes. First off the commercial airliners. They have been blinking in and out of existence like cheap Christmas lights. There seems to be a pattern but no one involved can remember  their missing time.

Secondly, Saxon. He is back from that little trip into outer space. Shouldn’t he be dead or something? How did he kill Brenda Ruskin’s college professor?

The leader of the original Challengers makes number three on the list. Why is he trying to reclaim the group name for himself? Does he have a hand in the aircraft case? Where are the other original members? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

The original Challengers are back for a three issue mini series. Will the next generation finally get the origins story they deserve? I guess I will find out.



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