Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 09

Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 09

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Last Days – Part Three of Three”

“Through a Glass, Darkly”

Deep inside a top secret research facility, located somewhere in the remote Mojave desert, a rogue killer named Saxon has just saved the Challengers of the Unknown from certain death. The heroes were captured by a group of bloodthirsty mercenaries with standing orders to shoot to kill. Before the men could put fingers on triggers Saxon swooped in and gunned them all down.

Both generations of the Challengers stand in shock. Marlon Corbet and Mathew Ryans were trying to negotiate a surrender when all hell broke loose. Saxon’s reckless gunfire ended any hope for peace negotiations. The man flees before they are able to apprehend him. The Challengers’ only choice now is to find whomever is running the operation.

The group begins to make their way towards the command center. While wandering the hallways looking for answers, the Challengers discover huge power generators and an array of Tesla coils constructed throughout the complex. The machines seemed to be in the process of creating energy in various frequencies. The type used for field theory experiments. 

As the Challengers continue their search various bright lights and magnetic fields begin to randomly fill the spaces around them. The huge amount of power generated  by the equipment starts to punch holes in the veil between dimensions. 

After twenty minutes of searching, a huge quake begins shuttering the equipment. Mysterious portals begin opening and a late model 1980’s Cadillac convertible screams through the breach. The driver locks up the breaks but it’s too late. The car driven by Clay Brody crashes into a Tesla coil leaving himself and his passengers unconscious. 

Will the Challengers of the Unknown stop the machines from destroying the Earth from within? Can the original members bring back their missing friends or are they stuck in some unknown parallel dimension? What is the miles per gallon of the 1980’s Cadillac land-yacht anyway? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

We finally get closure to the original team’s breakup. The new group gains the blessings from their predecessor. All well that ends well. My favorite part of this series is the fact that the writers try to use real world sciences in the plots. Unlike some of Stan Lee’s pseudo mumbo jumbo, it’s nice to see some real science at work. 



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