Clobberin’ Time – Volume 01 Issue 01

Clobberin’ Time – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Clobberin’ Time”

It was just another day at the Baxter Building, with one exception, Dr. Bruce Banner was at the breakfast table. Is there such a thing as too much nerdom? Ben Grimm was thinking just that as Reed was bouncing off ideas on the world’s leading expert on gamma radiation.

Ben’s cheerful mood was being damaged by such high-dollar phrases as “Tachyon absorbers” and “Sub-quarkian gamma structures”. Before Bruce Banner could see  if orange rock could blush, an oddly armored intruder teleports into their kitchenette. Ben yells out at the security breach, but it’s too late. Ben and Bruce are zapped by some strange wormhole device which sends them to a random place and time.

Is it cool of Ben to name their vertically challenged benefactors “Nub Nubs”, and their Nubs’ Sorcerer Supreme “Mini Dumbledore”? Can the Incredible Hulk follow “Road Lips” simple three point attack? Is that a Class-Four Kaiju monster? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Well, this was an interesting side adventure for Ben Grimm and Bruce Banner. I had a graphic novel back in the 90s with these two fighting on an alien planet. Clobberin’ Time totally reminded me of that book. I just wish I remembered what that one was called.

When researching who the villain in the hodgepodge Ironman armor was (I’m guessing Eugene Strausser), I saw a news article saying this series has already been canceled. What? Well, that sucks. I thought this was a fun distraction. Overall the writing and art are well done. I’m giving it 4 out of 5 stars. If you’re a fan of Hulk and the Thing definitely get a copy before it’s too late.



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