Crypt Of Shadows  – Volume 04 Issue 01

Crypt Of Shadows  – Volume 04 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Brick By Brick”

A group of onlookers have just gathered outside a small bed and breakfast in Lotkill, New York. From inside the quaint Victorian blood curdling screams emanate out towards the street and the terrified neighbors. As the scene unfolds blue-green lights begin to flicker randomly from every open window. This is no ordinary event. 

Within minutes a strange red glow begins to float down from the star filled night sky. One of the Lotkillians recognizes the face of the Scarlet Witch as Wanda Maximoff glides in for a landing. Wanda has become the towns supernatural savior ever since she set down roots here. The red witch waives off the crowd as she begins to walk towards the horror scene that is the bed and breakfast of doom.

“The Living And The Dead”

The halls of the Buckler Museum of Human History stood silent as the night reached 3:20 AM. Then the voices of two security guards fill the void as they make their periodic rounds of the Egyptology department. Within minutes they finish their sweep and move on towards another section of the complex. Then a low murmur begins to fill the gallery of Sarcophagi. 

The murmur then takes structure as a voice chanting Heka incantations builds to a climax. A haggard looking woman dressed in ancient ceremonial robes suddenly appears beside a recovered mummified royal. The intruder raises a golden ceremonial knife towards the skylight above, says two simple words, then stabs down into the wrapped chest of the ancient corpse. 

Twenty feet behind the woman another Sarcophagus begins to vibrate wildly, then in one violent shockwave, the sandstone lid explodes outward into several chunks of debris. She turns to face the disturbance with a look of rage which quickly melts into utter shock. Zeeta recognizes the towering figure which lumbers toward her position. It’s the bane to all those who desecrate the Egyptian afterlife, the being is none other than N’kantu, the Living Mummy!

“Without Fear”

Underneath the Manhattan neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen, a battle rages in the dark sewer system below. The shadow organization known as the Hand have cornered the masked vigilante Daredevil in an area containing discarded city equipment and abandoned subway cars. 

Earlier in the day Matt Murdock had stumbled upon the Ninja clan while investigating a recent murder in midtown west. Over the next several hours Daredevil will fight for his very life in the filth and slime covered tunnels of New York city.

Then as the skirmish reaches a fevered pitch, one misplaced ninjatō strike awakens something in the dark train car next to Matt’s position. A deafening roar bellows forth, shaking decades of dust from the concrete support pillars. Daredevil spins on his heels as multiple Hand soldiers scramble past him to avoid whatever is about to emerge from the passenger car doorway. Is this news adversary friend or foe? Matt Murdock only has seconds to determine the threat.

“A Soul Worth Hunting”

First Night. The change has never been easy even after decades of enduring the pain. Tonight, however, there are more pressing matters for a werewolf on the hunt. 

Hunger is a powerful motivator, and when the scent of a trapped animal fills the air, instinct takes over. Jack Russell bounds forward into the lush pine forest with only the full moon light overhead to guide him. He dash through the rough terrain with the greatest of ease, the source of the scent grows even closer. Then his prey is spotted! Whatever hangs from the chains up ahead is the prize. 

Why does the scent seem so foreign yet familiar at the same time? Who has laid the trap which grasps the green beast? Is that the scent of Cone Snail venom?

“Out Of The Shadows”

Victor Strange, the man in the mirror, has suffered greatly at the hands of his brother. Now after decades trapped inside the mirror dimension, the once human turned vampire has found a way out of his prison. What supernatural means will the former Baron of blood use to escape his solitary confinement?

Reviewer Note

Crypt Of Shadows is back this year with another set of tales from Baron Blood himself, Victor Strange. It appears he is still trapped inside the mirror dimension, but will the mirror be his forever prison? I kind of feel sorry for the guy. Doctor Strange really needs to find a permanent fix for his wrongdoings. 

Volume four brings out the classic monsters from the 1970s. We get Man-Thing, Werewolf By Night, and the Living Mummy. All of my favorite horror stars. In my opinion N’kantu needs his own series. I mean come on, Moon Knight has had how many reboots now? Give us the true guardian of the Dead.

I liked this issue as it combines the classic Crypt Of Shadows books with the random match-ups of Marvel Team-Ups. I’m giving this book four out of five stars. Happy Halloween everyone!



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