Curse Of The She-Cat – Volume 01 Issue 01

Curse Of The She-Cat – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“The Awesome Origin Of Curse Of The She-Cat”

Professor Hunt (White) and his crew had finally excavated the tomb of Sehkmet after months of digging. This was a proud moment for him as his daughter Jessica had just joined him at the dig site. Her new job was to translate any hieroglyphics they would discover in the tunnels below. Unfortunately the father and daughter archeology team would not like what they would discover. 

This was troubling times for archeologists operating in the highly political environment of 1937 Egypt. Academic types were always being hassled by corrupt public officials, and the shakedowns were common here. This was the least of a digger’s problems. Bandits and Smugglers frequently operated in the area. It was common for the college educated to go missing, then random body parts would show up at the various embassies looking for a free ride home.

For Dr.Thaddeus and Jessica (Cassie) Hunt, their discovery would quickly reach the ears of a local archeologist and weapons smuggler named Dr. Chariness. This charlatan cared more about making a profit off the antiquities he unearthed rather than uncovering the true history of his people. As his men rushed in with rifles to claim Dr. Hunt’s site, an explosion could be heard coming from deep within the tunnels below.

Did Jessica reach the inner sanctum of Sehkmet’s tomb before her explosives brought the roof crashing down? Who is Dr. Chariness really working for? Will Professor Thaddeus Hunt (White) lose his daughter to the sinister demon cat persona? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

This was an interesting one. Before reading Curse of the She-Cat (1989) I had never heard of AC Comics or their line of books. When this issue was released, us old timers didn’t have access to ebay and the plethora of online comic book sellers. My comic book knowledge was limited to what the smaller midwestern city comic book shops had to offer. I literally stumbled on this book two months ago at a local flea market sale. The cover art looked interesting so I grabbed it.

After reading the issue I did a little research into the character. She-Cat is, or was part of AC Comics Fem-Force superhero team of all female characters. From what I read on the internet, and we all know the information there is 100% legit, the Curse of the She-Cat release seems to be one of two separate explanations of her backstory. I’m a bit confused about Thaddeus and Jessica’s last names because in this book the bad guy, Dr. Chariness calls Thaddeus “Dr. White”. On the official AC Comics fan website they refer to the two characters as Dr. Thaddeus Hunt and Jessica Hunt.

To make things more confusing, in this issue the two Hunts have excavated the tomb of Sekhmet near the great pyramids of Egypt. Apparently there is another origin story out there where the tomb is located in South America. I don’t know the full details on this one, I’m just reporting on this version of the story.

Now to add another twist. Jessica is possessed by the demon cat goddess Sehkmet back in the year 1937. Per her conversation with Professor Hughes, after a certain period of time she transforms into a completely different woman. This is similar to the British television character, Dr. Who, and his nine transformations. Jessica has become the sexpot Cassie as of the year 1989. Weird, but I guess weird is good.

AC Comics has been publishing comics in various formats as far back as 1969, but this specific release follows the black and white comic book craze of the later 1980s. The art is good but not to the level of what was being released by DC and Marvel Comics. The cover art reminded me a bit of the Japanese Darkstalkers anime character Felicia. Since this is my only AC Comics book in my collection I can only go with what I have read in this issue. I’m giving Curse of the She-Cat a very solid three out of five stars. For further reading I would recommend the other She-Cat series and Fem-Force.



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