Darkwing Duck – Volume 01 Issue 07

Darkwing Duck – Volume 01 Issue 07

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Hall of Heroes”

It’s grand opening day at the Hall of Heroes museum and Darkwing Duck is stoked to view his display in all of its brilliance. It better be brilliant. He didn’t even get an invite. As DW bum-rushes passed the roped off line of patrons a massive roadblock steps in his way. Say hello to the museum’s Bouncer! What a mountain of a man.

Tickets?! Doesn’t the oaf know who Darkwing Duck is? Two tickets please. A sulking superhero and giddy sidekick decide to enter the build the same way normal citizens do…patiently. No biggie, but where is the Darkwing exhibit? Quack-Man?! Ms. Mallard?! They get a statue in the main hall? That’s preposterous! What’s next, a sidekick wing? Nooo! 

What is Darkwing Duck’s role in the Justice Ducks superhero team? Who is the mystery mallard in the sidekick exhibit? Where is Launchpad’s missing compass? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Poor DW, will he ever get the recognition he deserves? This is another fun packed issue with a callback to the original television series. If you’re a fan of the show, definitely check this out. Dynomite racks up another four star rating.



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