Doctor Strange – Volume 06 Issue 07

Doctor Strange – Volume 06 Issue 07

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Don’t Let The Ashes Fill Your Eyes”

The fun and celebration has come to a screeching halt as wedding crasher, General Strange, uses a sling ring to open a dimensional doorway onto the dance floor. Stephen and Clea Strange take-up defensive positions near the chocolate fountain while the other party guests begin to cast various magic spells to escape the scene. It is apparent the General is not there for the artichoke dip.

The Vishanti had extracted the memories of five-thousand years of war from Doctor Strange’s mind years prior, locking them in a crystal artifact for safe keeping. It is evident now the war criminal side of Stephen Strange has escaped imprisonment, but for what purpose? Before the Sorcerer Supreme can ask, the General begins to throw insults at what he considers his inferior self. As the two men move closer to exchange barbs, the gruesome memories of the War of the Seven Spheres begin to flood back into Doctor Strange’s thoughts. His only logical explanation of this phenomenon is referred to as “Mnemonic bleed”.

Over the next few minutes the General will confess to the recent assassinations of high level Sorcerers across several dimensions. The feelings of anger and relief begin to boil inside Clea, as she was the one suspected of many of the murders. Now that Clea’s accusers have been discredited, the thoughts of retribution begin to fill her head. Whoever this General is, he will suffer for her lost in social standing. 

What is General Strange planning to do with the Astral souls of Earth’s children? Will Clea abandon her true love for the war criminal with five-thousand years of dark secrets? Do the newlyweds have their cake and eat it too? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Uh, oh. Signs point to an unknown future for Stephen and Clea Strange. Somebody might want to call Doc Sampson, marriage counselor to the stars, because things are about to get ugly up in here. At least Clea is off the hook for murdering a slew of bad Sorcerers. 

I’m not digging the Seven Spheres war story arc, but at least Jed MacKay is keeping it interesting. I love the persona of all the dead bad guys introduced during the W.a.n.d. issue. Why did Marvel wait so long to give us a walrus sorcerer supreme? In any case I enjoyed issue eleven of Doctor Strange, and give it four out of five stars. Now, go get Doc Sampson, stat!



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