My Rating
“The Doctor, the General and the Warlord”
When the cat’s away, the mice will play. What happens if those mice are Warlords from the Dark Dimension? While the primary version of Doctor Strange sits in counsel with the Vishanti, Clea has agreed to meet with her husband’s homicidal counterpart. There is something about the five-thousand year old version of Stephen that intrigues her darker side. A question begins to form within her Faltine mind. Is General Strange the better version of the man she loves so dear?
Elsewhere, a heated exchange has ended in a stalemate between Stephen and the Vishanti Gods. Hoggoth, Oshtur, and Agamotto have all refused to aid the Doctor in finding a solution to the problem they originally created. Why must Stephen act alone? The General was locked away in a crystal prison until the current Stephen Strange was murdered last year. Who will ally with the Master of the Mystic Arts now?
Sanctum Santorum, Greenwich Village, Doctor Strange returns to his home and fortress of magic only to find Clea missing. His faithful companion, the ghost dog named Bats, brings Stephen the answer he wasn’t looking for. Clea Strange has left for the Strange Family’s farm located in the cornfields of Nebraska. It was there that Stephen and Clea first met on the mortal plain of Earth. It would be there Stephen’s wife and greatest confidant would form a union with his greatest enemy to date.
Why has the Vishanti refused to aid Doctor Strange in stopping a resurgence in the War of the Seven Spheres? Can Stephen make contact with the Trinity of Ashes before Earth’s children are enslaved by the butcher created over five-thousand years? Will Clea leave her husband for a man with a darker heart than her own? Collect the series to find out!
Reviewer Notes
Clea Strange has her own dark agenda, I will give her that. Wow, if you need another reason not to get married, read this book. Or, maybe it will all work out? I admit this story arc is not my favorite, but at least the twists have been interesting. Poor Bats. The family pets always get caught in the middle of the chaos. I had no idea the dog could talk though. Funny.
I’m giving this issue of Doctor Strange four out of five starts. The art and writing is above average when compared to some of the other books on the shelves these days. I’m hoping Jed McKay writes more Agents of W.A.N.D. storyline into this series as I enjoyed their jaunt through the underground world of the magic realm. I do recommend this series if you are a Doctor Strange fan. Hopefully this new series last more than ten issues.
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