Doctor Strange – Volume 06 Issue 09

Doctor Strange – Volume 06 Issue 09

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Nebraska – Part 01”

In a last desperate attempt to combat the Butcher of the War of the Seven Spheres,  Doctor Strange has made an alliance with the dreaded Trinity of Ashes. With this pact, the three God-like beings have infused all of their powers into the Sorcerer Supreme. Now Stephen has arrived at his childhood home in Nebraska. There he will make a final stand against the homicidal General Strange.

In a secret hangar facility located far from the Strange Family Farmstead, the Agents of W.A.N.D. are busy preparing Freaky Doktor Zee’s Psycho-Zepplin for takeoff. Wong knows what his friend has done to himself, now he is desperate to rescue Strange from himself. As Pandora Peters and Doktor Zee make last minute adjustments to the zeppelin navigation gear they begin to realize how risky this plan is. Pandora insists they come up with a plan B. Before she can get the others to agree with her request Wong orders them to launch!

Can the combined power of Stephen and Clea Strange be enough to defeat a magical General with five-thousand years of combat experience? Will Clea separate her unborn sister from the War-Form magic that encases her soul? What is the one asset Stephen Strange has over the General? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Uh oh, has the “Disney Message” finally come to the Sanctum Santorum? I noticed it slipped into last month’s issue of the Fantastic Four. Are the hard-core fans doomed to the Panderverse treatment even if it doesn’t help sell books? I guess we will have to see.

So the title character spends the last issue beefing up his game with all the powers and knowhow of the Trinity of Ashes – something General Strange has not done himself, and we are to believe fighting a five-thousand year stalemate somehow truncates all the power of the Vishanti and Trinity combined together? Come on, man!? Girl…Power…to the rescue, again I guess.

I’m giving issue nine of Doctor Strange a three out of five stars. We did get more Agents of W.A.N.D. goodness, but this has been the most interesting part of Volume 06 in my opinion. Hopefully in the next issue we clear the plate of the General Strange nonsense. Stick him back in his Crystal Prison, then bury the box underneath the Sanctum. Problem solved. Now bring us more of that ghost dog cuteness!



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