Dr. Giggles – Volume 01 Issue 02

Dr. Giggles – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Dr. Giggles – Part 02”

There isn’t much else I can say about the second and final issue of the Dr. Giggles comics that I didn’t already say about book one. The art is just okay. I loved the coloring but there was an issue in a couple of the panels. 

The Max character decides to cheat on Jennifer with one of the class whores. In the cheat scene the colorist uses the exact same colors for Jennifer and the other girl. The hair and clothing are identical. It was very confusing. I’m not sure if this was a miscommunication with the colorist or a rush job to meet a deadline.

Another issue I had with the Dr. Giggles comic book adaptation is the extreme condensing of the material. I rewatched the 1992 movie last night. In book two the Dark Horse editor really cut out a lot of the transition material that explains how the scenes flow together. If I was someone who hadn’t seen the movie I would be confused how and why Dr. Giggles was doing what he was doing, and how he arrived in the scene. I think Dark Horse could have made this into a three book run.

I would recommend the Dr. Giggles series for the nostalgia factor alone but nothing else. I definitely recommend watching the movie as it is a good example of low budget 1990’s horror. The Dr. Giggles movie adaptation is another three star attempt by Dark Horse comics.



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