Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 12

Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 12

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Saur Winners”

Some people can never escape their past. For Benjamin Grimm, the Yancy Street Gang has always played a part in his life. Even in the dry-aired landscape of Arizona, friends seem to find each other. The Fantastic Four have just arrived at the home of a former gang member named Nick. As a teen, Nick had once tormented the Thing from the trash filled alleyways in New York city, but over time the misguided teen received help overcoming his internal demons, and escaped the streetlife which ruined so many youths.

After a brief reunion and some homemade cookies, Nick briefs Reed Richards on a temporal anomaly he had discovered in the nearby woods. The “shimmering”, as Nick described it, was a dome-like energy wave which appeared and disappeared in rhythm patterns. With the lack of scientists in the immediate area Nick and his partner Stuart thought it best to call in the one global supergenius to study the phenomenon.

Twenty minutes later Nick and Stuart had led the Fantastic Four through a series of old horse trails until they came upon the disturbance. Nick was correct, there was a dome-like energy field expanded into a grove of Mesquite trees. The energy waves appeared to be disintegrating the trees right down to their stumps. As a precaution, Reed instructed everyone to keep a good distance from the anomaly as he needed time to study the fluctuations in energy.

Before Sue, Johnny, or Ben could react to Reed’s warning a large plasmatic wave busted forth, grabbing each member of the Fantastic Four in some sort of gravimetric tug of war. Nick and Stuart watch from a nearby hill as their friends are sucked into the energy field. In seconds the Fantastic Four awake to the sight of a giant reptile staring down at them. Ben thought it to be a dream as the monster dawned a blue mask like covering with a white capital A. Then he heard Johnny scream from somewhere behind “you have to be f*cking kidding me!”

What is the strange anomaly that has trapped the Fantastic Four in a strange new land? Will the team ever get to see their children again? Who is Robert Dicke and why is his anthropic principle so relevant today? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Okay Google, play the theme to Jurassic Park… What can I say? Since Ryan North has taken over as lead writer on the Fantastic Four he certainly has kept us on our toes. From towns filled with masquerading Doombots, to giant alien space arks caught in hyper-time cycles, Ryan never seems to run out of ideas.

Now it’s time to open up our paleontologist’s handbook to page awesome, as our heroes leap into the world of the Dino-verse. Yes, that is correct, apparently a mirror universe exists inside Marvel Comics filled with Dinosaur versions of all our favorite superhero characters. And why not?  It’s no weirder than a universe packed with anthropomorphic animals – one of which is a cartoon pig named Peter Porker.

I’m not going to lie, Ryan North continues to be my favorite Marvel writer, and it’s nice to see his creativity hasn’t been stifled. I’m giving issue twelve of Fantastic Four five out of five stars. What’s not to love about Dinosaurs and their monkey dad counterparts?



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