“The Perfect Storm”
Professor Richards has been kidnapped, and Masters Investigations has been hired to find the mug that did It. Who had the motive to make the top scientist at E.S.U. disappear? Was it Reeds’ future brother-in-law and hotheaded grease monkey, Johnny Storm? Or, maybe the weapons-hungry G-Men at S.H.I.E.L.D.? It’s time for Alicia Masters-Grimm and her seeing eye dog Princess to call in a favor. Next stop, the police desk of “King” McKenzie. Can that Copper still be trusted?
Later that night, Alicie’s husband Benjamin joins her downtown at the exclusive nightclub owned by notorious underworld mob boss Harvey Elder. Of all the gin joints in all of New York city, Alicia, why did you dare come into this one? Even your muscle, Benjamin Grimm, can’t strong-arm his way out of this dilemma. Better run for your jalopy while you still can, see!
Reviewer Notes
Yay. We get a good old-fashioned 1930’s gumshoe detective story thanks to a D-List supervillain! I won’t spoil it for anyone, but…IT’S A TRAP! If you like old Humphrey Bogart film noir movies or more recent Sin City type story settings, then you will love issue nineteen of the Fantastic Four.
I did find one flub on the penciller’s part. But artist Carlos Gomez gets a no pass in this issue. One of the gunsels starts firing a .38 cal long barrel revolver in one panel. In the next panel, Alicia states she can hear the man changing magazines. Oops. Alicia might need to get her hearing checked. I don’t know. I thought it was funny.
I’m a fan of the old detective stuff from the silver screen era of movies, so I might be biased here, but I did enjoy this one. The coloring on this book is a total tribute to movies like Sin City and Schindler’s List. I give this issue four out of five stars.
[anonymous benefactor], [archeologist], [arson], [babysitter], [baxter apartments], [blood], [borough – manhattan], [bureau – FBI], [chloroform], [city – new york city], [continent – north america], [corruption], [cosmic cube], [country – united states of america], [dimension – retro dimension], [dog – doberman pinscher], [dog – west highland terrier], [dogs], [drink – gin], [energy weapon – ray gun], [firearm – .38 caliber revolver], [food – baloney], [food – french fries], [g-men], [gin mill], [goons], [grease monkey], [headquarters – s.h.i.e.l.d. headquarters], [insult – bum], [insult – mook], [inventions], [investigation], [laboratory], [manual typewriter], [metal – copper], [multiverse], [nightclub – deviant’s realm], [planet – earth], [police department – NYPD], [police station], [prison], [private investigator], [private investigator – masters investigations], [red dress], [restaurant – la bella], [rubber], [scientists], [state – new york], [street – 5th street], [street – yancy street], [tavern – blue moon saloon], [tavern – the blue moon saloon], [test tube], [time travel], [university – empire state university], [vehicle – 1921 mercer series 5 sporting], [vehicle – 1930 ford pickup sidestep], [vehicle – 1930 gmc model taxicab], [vehicle – fantasti-car], [vehicle – taxicab]
[“king” mckenzie trn1169], [alicia masters-grimm], [alicia masters-grimm trn1169], [benjamin grimm trn1169], [brutus d. widowmaker – johnny storm trn1169], [elder’s nephew], [fantastic four], [galactus – galan of taa], [harvey elder trn1169], [harvey’s trouble boys], [human torch – johnathan “johnny” storm], [invisible woman – susan “sue” storm-richards], [jo-ven trn1169], [johnny storm trn1169], [maria hill trn1169], [mister fantastic – reed richards], [n’kalla trn1169], [namorita trn1169], [paste-pot pete trn1169], [pete petruski trn1169], [princess masters-grimm trn1169], [reed richards trn1169], [S.H.I.E.L.D.], [S.H.I.E.L.D. trn1169], [susan storm trn1169], [the thing – benjamin jacob grimm], [trapster – pete petruski]
Cover Artist(s)