With the Fantastic Four’s financial holdings tied up in court and the Baxter Building slapped with several liens, Ben and Johnny decide to do their part to make ends meet. Welcome to Foodtopia boys, Benson Arizona’s most highly rated grocery store chain. But who is the better employee, Match Stick or Stone Dome? Let the customers decide as these two tackle the action-packed world of checkout lines and barcode scanners. Cashier on!
Is Ben really writing a memoir inside his head? Who will win Foodtopia’s “cashier ‘a the month” award? Can Johnny Storm really make rotisserie chicken hotter and ice cream colder? Collect the series to find out!
Reviewer Notes
If you’re going to write a slice of life story, this is how you do it right. As a former grocery store employee (x3), this issue had me belly-laughing from cover to cover. Ben and Johnny can still push each other’s buttons even in a low-key environment as a grocery store. Too bad the manual labor comes to a swift end thanks to a scumbag reporter. Doesn’t Johnny know by now how to handle the press?
I’m giving issue twenty of the Fantastic Four five out of five on the customer satisfaction survey. I’m so glad Marvel chose Ryan North to pilot the franchise. He has been giving Stan Lee and John Bryne a run for their money.
Benard Crumm here. I’m just testing this here comment section for bugs and other irregularities.