Free Comic Book Day 2023 – Red Sonja She Devil With A Sword – Issue 0

Free Comic Book Day 2023 – Red Sonja She Devil With A Sword – Issue 0

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“His Master’s Voice – Part 00”

Note: Story continues in Red Sonja Volume 07 Issue 01

Madauros – the crown jewel of Aquilonia, a city burdened not by starvation or plague, yet its citizens toil under the tight grip of their King’s laws. Today a cloaked princess has come to this haven in search of a crimson warrior. The disguised woman passes freely through the streets unmolested yet her perception of the king begins to wane. 

A lengthy wooden wall runs along the main fairway leading to the business district of the city. Various body parts adorn the wood panels, held forth by iron nails. The princess almost falls sick from the grizzly sights and pungent orders of drying bodily fluids. Various limbs and decapitated heads of individuals convicted and punished under  the King’s justice are plentiful. The young woman stops briefly to examine the canage, then races on towards her destination known as the Boar & Knuckle inn.

Will Princess Alaberta find her champion before her father’s henchmen place her into custody? Have Red Sonja’s friends fallen under the spell of the Stygian sleep? Why has Aratus accused the red warrior of murder?

“The Temple Of Abomination!”

Note: Originally presented in Marvel Comics – Marvel Feature Issue 01 (1975)

Deep inside the Darkwood of Nemedia the Hykanian born warrior with the crimson hair has found her way into an ancient temple complex. To an amature explorer the unkempt ziggurat with its beastly statuary would have driven away the weakest of hearts, but for Red Sonja her time in the region has introduced two similar edifices.

Her thoughts return to the cannibal halls of Castle Vincentius. There stalked a beast only talked about in the mead halls of the Nordheimers. A bloodthirsty werewolf had subjugated the keep and feasted upon the flesh of many nobles. It took the blade of Sonja to curve such an appetite. 

What awaits Red Sonja in the dark corners of the Mitra temple? Will the haunting sounds of pipe music drive even the most steadfast warrior insane? Can the honed skill of a blade master compensate for overwhelming odds? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Dynamite Entertainment has become the king of licensed properties. As a fan of Robert E. Howard’s work, I’ve dabbled in Marvel Comics adaptations of Conan the Barbarian, Kull the Conqueror, and Red Sonja. More recently I dove headfirst into Dynamite’s Bêlit and Valeria, Queen of the  Black Coast, the Cimmerian, and Big Red herself (just to name a few). I can say with no regret that the Hyborian age is truly in good hands with Dynamite Entertainment. The writers, the artists, and the production are all top notch. 

This Free Comic Book Day release begins a new chapter for Red Sonja as we find her accused of a murder she didn’t commit. Have no fear however, the story will continue in Red Sonja Volume 07 Issue 01 – set for release in July of 2023. Even though the introduction story is shorter than most full length comic books, Dynamite provides us with a bonus reprint from the pages Marvel Feature Issue 01. Classic Sonja combined with modern Sonja, what’s not to love. For me, this is a solid four out of five star production. I can’t wait for the 19th when issue one drops. 



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