Gene Simmons’ Dominatrix – Volume 01 Issue 01

Gene Simmons’ Dominatrix – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Dominatrix – 01”

It was supposed to be a quick job. Get in, give the client what they paid for, then jump. Dominique never trusted out of town clients, but this dude was loaded. Welcome to Brentwood California, the city knee deep in old money and sexual perversions. It was a Dominatrix wet dream.

As Dominique begins her session with the Sub, the door of the hotel room comes under assault by multiple kicks and shoulder plants. What the hell was this? A sting? One of her dissatisfied customers? Before she can get an answer, the client shoves a large duffle bag into Dominique’s arms. “Go!” he yells. “Out the fire escape!”

Within seconds several men dress in masks and expensive business suits crash through the door. In her full Mistress outfit, Dominique dives through the window leading to the fire escape. She turns to see her client fighting off several men with Karate or Kung Fu. Who is this guy? No time to think, Dominique races down the metal stairs tripping in her thigh high red boots.

Will Dominique Stern escape the scene before being killed by the mysterious gang of thugs? How far can she get anyways dressed in full mistress attire? Can an old friend with ties to the sleazy porn industry help hide Dominique figure things out? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

She’s back! Opus is giving us a four-part look into one of Gene Simmons’ most popular comic book characters. Yes, Gene Simmons had a comic book company. Say hello to Dominatrix.

I always wanted to check out Gene’s comics, but I don’t think they were readily available in my area. Thanks to Opus I can get a good sense of what this character is about. The story starts out with a bang. Dominique is a sex worker just trying to make a living in the Los Angeles area, when a secret organization or gang interrupts her session. Within the main plot we get glimpses of her childhood. A junkie mom? Abusive dad? Sounds interesting.

I’m going to give this series a try since its something different. From my previous experience with Opus books, they are well produced, and the writing is interesting. I don’t believe Gene Simmons wrote the script for this one, but it is based on his stories. I’m giving issue one of Dominatrix four out of five stars.



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