Hallows’ Eve – Volume 01 Issue 05

Hallows’ Eve – Volume 01 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Hallows Eve – Volume 01 Issue 05”

New York, Midtown Manhattan, anarchy has erupted on the street in front of the Beyond Corporation office building. Maxine Danger and her elite squad of corporate goons have just gathered up all the Halloween masks spilled out onto the sidewalk moments earlier. Janine Godbe has little time to react as she spots Detective Sebbens and several police cars pulling in behind her. Why do things always have to be difficult? 

Maxine barks out an order for her men to put on a mask. “Pick a monster!” Janine never meant for this to happen, but what is done is done. It’s time to Mummy-up and take down this band of thieves. But what about the police? Will they help? The cracking of 9mm gunfire answers that question. The NYPD begins to open fire on everyone that doesn’t resemble a vanilla human!

As the rank-and-file New Yorkers dive for cover a large brawl erupts between monsters of all shapes and sizes. Between swipes with her werewolf claws, Maxine orders TJ to initiate building security protocols. Multiple sonic wave cannons begin to drop from concealed hatches along the front of the building; within seconds the street begins to be blasted by deafening noise waves. Everyone not wearing a mask drops to their knees with their hands over their ears. 

Inside the Beyond Corporation command center TJ makes a snarky comment “Well, everyone is going to jail now”. The company has just assaulted the police. Maxine’s assistant now prays Hallows’ Eve can save the situation. TJ turns back to the external security camera feed.

How many of Madelyne Pryor’s masks did  Janine drop anyways? Can old magic stop sonic waves from exploding heads? Is that a gorilla? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

We’ve come to the end of the Hallows’ Eve miniseries and I have to say I like the characters. I didn’t know much about their past as I don’t read the modern Spider-Man books. I’m a fan of the Limbo Dimension backstories, but again I haven’t followed the recent plot lines.

I picked up Hallows’ Eve for the horror aspect. The Halloween masks interested me the most as the gimmick seems like a cool edition to the Marvel monster mythos. If you know nothing about these characters it is okay. You are given enough information to get you through the storyline. If you want to do a deep dive into Janine Godbe, you will be on the hunt for crossover events. To me the dollar cost seems a bit high, but go for it if you are looking for a new character to follow. Hallows’ Eve will be showing up again in next month’s Spider-Man Annual. 

I’m giving this issue three out of five stars. The book was a very fast read, and I always prefer books with more content. Don’t get me wrong, the writing and art are top notch, but in my opinion art over storyline is not the way to go. The series overall is a four out of five stars. I recommend checking it out.

Things I learned about this series: 

  1. The wearer of the Vampire Mask will not burst into flames when exposed to the sun.
  2. Manhattan has its own Limbo embassy building now.
  3. Magic blocks sonic attacks for some but not others.



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