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Mission #02: Ghost Train (Part 01)
Underneath the streets of New York city, Dum Dum Dugan and his monsters are on the trail of a missing subway train. The Mighty Orrgo fills the com-lines with much unwanted banter but his commands are not received by the others. Has the team lost all contact with the surface or is Orrgo on the pay-no-mind list? The Howling Commandos must carry on.
Deep inside the network of subway tunnels, Manphibian spots some bizarre graffiti written in a language much older than the city built above them. These are not words but symbols! The half-fish alien recognizes the mess as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Dum Dum Dugan is a bit confused but relies on Manphibian’s knowledge of Earth’s past.
Suddenly, Nina Price receives a painful wave of psychic energy. There is paranormal activity racing toward their position at breakneck speed! All three of the Howling Commandos dive to the side of the tracks just in time as a ghostly subway train barrels past them.
Will Nina be able to use her vampire abilities to track the missing train? Who is the woman in the red hoodie? Just how long has Manphibian been on earth anyways? Collect the series to find out!
Reviewer Notes
I was really hoping for a bit more from issue two of the Howling Commandos. This story was okay, but the dialog seemed a bit hacky. We get a new character introduced in the subway tunnels, and a nasty supervillain shows up, but this issue was nothing to write home about. My favorite character so far is Manphibian. I’m going with three out of five stars this time. I hope issue three has the same level of fun as the first; keeping my fingers crossed.
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