Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Volume 01 Issue 03

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Volume 01 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Mission #02: Ghost Train (Part 02)

Orrgo reports supernatural artifacts stolen from humon Museum of Egyptian Culture, San Francisco California. Items tracked to a small island storage facility near the coastline. Actions suggest launching the life-model decoy, werewolf, zombie, and monkey! Operation Intel is a go…

Elsewhere, in the underground holding facilities at S.T.A.K.E. Nadeen is trying to adjust to life inside a prison cell. It has been a long week and the voices in her head are not making it much easier. What are the limits to her summoning powers? To help distract Nadeen, her nextdoor neighbor, the Teenage Abomination, offers to read her some Harry Potter.

Can a zombie truly understand the concept of “pulling the ripcord”? Does Orrgo believe in ghosts? Do ghosts believe in Orrgo? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Well, this was definitely a step up from the last issue. I’m not sure what the deal is with Dr. Krane, but there is something he is keeping from the team. By the way, who was the little girl ghost he keeps seeing?

Orrgo and Hit-Monkey are the breakout star of this series. My recommendation is a future series starring Orrgo and the monkey. Maybe a new Starsky and Hutch style police comedy. Anyway, I’m giving this issue four out of five stars. Howling Commandos, Howl!



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