I Hate Fairyland (Image Firsts) – Volume 01 Issue 01

I Hate Fairyland (Image Firsts) – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I Hate Fairyland”

Once upon a time in a far off place called fairyland, a young girl wished for something she really didn’t want. To escape her fluffy muck prison the six year old spent the next twenty seven years following one dead-end gum drop clue after another. Now Gertrude is a bitter thirty-something trapped in a little girl’s body. Let’s just say she hasn’t lived happily ever after as the tales would suggest. 

Armed with a battle axe, some bigass guns, and an enchanted map, it’s time for green haired Gertrude to take back her youth. Follow her adventures through the Peppermint Peaks, over the Wave Graves, and into the slug runned Las Fungus. Only the strong will survive the cuddliness of fairyland!

Reviewer Notes 

I saw this Image Comics “Image Firsts” edition of “I Hate Fairyland No.1” in the dollar bin of my local comic shop. I liked the premise, the price was right, and it’s an Image Comic for mature audiences, so I snatched it up. Was I glad I did? Uh, yeah! Is the art and story really that good? Uh, yeah!

Now to convince myself to buy the complete volume one set to continue the adventure. There are twenty issues in all, so hopefully Image releases a trade paperback. Maybe the Queen Fairy has stuffed a dollar box with the other issues. I’m going to Sprinkle some 5 star fairy dust on this reprint edition. Now  to solve that ridiculous riddle from the slug king.



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Cover Artist(s)

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