Impulse Plus – Volume 01 Issue 01

Impulse Plus – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Speed Freak / Paranoid

Somewhere over the swamp lands of Alabama an unmarked Blackhawk helicopter flies low headed west. Inside, the pilot exchanges coded commands to the destination point as Cantrip’s men recall the operation from earlier that day. Back in the cargo hold the hulking metahuman known as Gross-out lays dead from multiple gunshot wounds. Or, so it was believed. 

Then an enormous roar erupts from the monster’s throat and chains are broken like plastic toys. The crew jumps in shock as the ugly scab of a creature begins to punch his way out of the flying prison. How can it still be alive? The beast took three hundred rounds of small arms fire and bled out! In a few seconds the floor of the Blackhawk crumbles and Gross-out plummets towards the swampy waters below.

A quarter mile away at the Crandall residence, Bart Allen looks out his bedroom window at the night’s sky. He is excited to see the constellations from a 20th century perspective. Then an orange fireball erupts far above bringing the boy out of his daydream. There is action afoot! In less than a second the 30th century metahuman known as Impulse rockets off towards the swamp.

 Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, a poorly dressed Elvis impersonator walks toward a very lavish hotel on the main strip. Two bags of groceries dangle from the King’s hands as he walks past the doorman. No tip for him tonight, there are plans to be made! 

First off the bill must be paid. It’s so nice of Ted Kennedy to “lend” his credit card. What a fine outstanding Senator. 

Will Impulse and Max Mercury help slow down the hunt for a fellow meta? Can “Elvis” and Jared Stevens plan a successful rescue mission against the R-Complex research base? Why is there a creepy head inside a box laying in the Alabama swamp? Seriously, what’s with the severed head? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

So this is the first one-shot comic that helps tie-up the Scare Tactics series. Being more of a Marvel guy, I had no idea who Impulse and Max Mercury were or anything about their power sets. This was a blast to read. 

This issue is broken down into two separate mini-stories. The first part has Gross-out and the speedster, the second is Arnold Burnsteel and Fate. The R-Complex history is becoming very interesting. I would suggest the four part series if you get the Scare Tactics series. 



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