Isis  – Volume 01 Issue 02

Isis  – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“The Creature From Dimension X”

It’s Friday afternoon at Larkspur High School. Today is the deadline for Roger and Gini’s senior class science project. In the school lab the two kids finish their final calculations on the high voltage electric devices developed with the aid of Andrea Thomas.

Gini takes a few steps back from the equipment as Roger powers up the experiment. To their surprise, the electricity begins to arch wildly between two points and a dark circle begins to appear. To them it looked like an inkblot floating in mid-air. That was until the reddish creature began to climb out of the empty void. Time to get Mr. Mason!

Before Mr. Mason and Andrea could return to the school laboratory,  a loud explosion filled the halls nearby. As the two entered the room they discovered the monster had blasted a large hole through to the outside. Andrea backpedaled from the lab as Mr. Mason attended to a shocked Roger. From the girls restroom down the hall the words “Mighty Isis ” were shouted. Within seconds the avatar of an Egyptian goddess burst on the scene!

Will the magic of the Mighty Isis be enough to stop an alien invasion from Dimension X? Can simple water be able to short out such raw electricity? How many gigawatts does it open a portable to another dimension?

“Lost & Found”

Northwest of the city of Larkspur, severe storms have stranded several kids on a secluded lake near No-man’s Island. The Might Isis had rescued two children earlier that day. Now back at her science class, Andrea Thomas learned that one of her students has gone missing in the same area.

Will Isis be able to locate Cindy Lee before the girl is pulled underwater by white water rapids? Why did the senior class run a scavenger hunt during the worst storm to hit the region in twenty years? Has Cindy discovered her teacher’s secret? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

So I praised issue number one recently. Now I have noticed an odd trend while reading  issue two. Steve Skeates is very generic in describing locations and terrain features. In the television series the high school is located in Larkspur, California. In the comics issues 1 and 2, Steve doesn’t name the school, city, or even the state. For continuity I can see this becoming a problem.

Andrea Thomas is a teacher at “The school”, in “the city” and performs a rescue at “the lake”. Well, which school, in what city, near what “lake”? It just seems odd to me why there’s so little detail given. I still like the book, but I’m giving this one 3 out 5 stars. Steve, connect us to the location in the tv series!. 



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