Isis  – Volume 01 Issue 03

Isis  – Volume 01 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“The Wrath of Set!”

The weather has been extraordinarily warm in Larkspur this year. Some of the residents have even referred to the dry conditions as a typical Indian summer. Today however, Andrea Thomas and her student Cindy Lee have been caught outside in a freak Hailstorm. As the two run for cover Andrea realizes there are no clouds in sight. So where is the precipitation coming from?

Twenty minutes later Andrea finds an excuse to leave Cindy and transforms into the Might Isis. Now to find the source of the hail. High above Larkspur, Isis spots an unnaturally black cloud northeast of the city. Within seconds of reaching the nimbostratus Isis is confronted by the source of the unusual weather patterns. The Egyptian god of war, storms, and chaos attacks the Mighty Isis with a massive lightning bolt!

Will the Egyptian god Set usurp all of Isis’ “worshippers” and take control of the city of Larkspur? Can Isis convince the war god of her true role as protector? Does little Jeffrey Carter ever stop with the practical jokes?

“Political Rally Point”

Fresh from rescuing a birdwatcher, the Mighty Isis has just arrived at a political event for Bob Carver’s Anti-crime campaign. After a discreet costume change, high school science teacher, Andrea Thomas, enters the convention center. Andrea is in luck, Mr. Carter’s speech has not begun.. 

Andrea finds a small group of her peers and they make their way up to the podium for a quick meet-and-greet. As the faculty of Larkspur High school asks Bob Carver questions, a campaign assistant begins to pour drinks for the party guests. 

Thirty minutes go by and Bob Carver takes the stage to make his speech. The only problem is, Bob has lost his voice. In fact, everyone in the audience has lost their voice. 

A sudden panic fills the room as everyone realizes the punchbowl has been poisoned! 

Can Andrea Thomas transform into the Mighty Isis without uttering the power words? How much tornado activity does Larkspur get in a typical summer? Where did Bob’s assistant go anyways? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

After reading three issues of Isis I’ve come to realize the demographics must be young readers who also watch the television show. The stories are interesting but lack any real plot development. Steve Skeates still has not given us the name of the city, high-school, or area in which the stories takes place. If the television show did not exist I feel readers would be clueless on where Isis fits in with the other superheroes of the DC universe.

Like other DC titles written in the same era, this series is plagued by what I call “there’s a spell for that”.  No matter what the situation is, the hero has a counter to every problem. At the beginning it can be interesting to see the main character manhandling every situation with ease. But without true conflict there is no risk. Without risk your comics are boring. I’m giving issue three of Issus 3 out of 5.



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