Isis – Volume 01 Issue 08

Isis – Volume 01 Issue 08

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Darkly Through The Mutant’s Eyes”

With Isis’ past memories restored and Rick Mason freed from the evil Serpenhotep, the two decide to return to Larkspur, California. As they travel back to the west coast, Isis does some inner reflection. Andrea Thomas was never truly mortal, rather a reincarnation of the goddess Isis. The science teacher known as Andrea is now. merely a disguise.

Two weeks pass and Andrea Thomas returns to teaching science class at Larkspur High School. This year there is a new student with a secret of his own. Michael Alexander Droman VI is a foreign exchange student from the eastern block of Cornovia. Ever since the boy was introduced to the students, however, friends have become enemies, football players have turned weak. No one seems to be themselves.

Rick Mason has noticed something strange about the teenager. The boy seems to be able to manipulate the thoughts and moods of others around him. How is Rick Mason able to detect such abilities? It seems Rick is not himself either…

Can Isis defend herself against a strange new type of Extrasensory power? Is the First Prince of Cornovia truly of royal blood? What dark secret is Rick Mason hiding? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

We have reached the series finale and I had to laugh. I’ve never seen a bigger “peace-out” moment from DC Comics than the end of this book. For months readers sent letters to the editor critiquing the simplistic writing and moral lessons. I don’t blame them. It’s been for the most part uninspiring.

I’ve witnessed several series end within the  DC Comics universe due to low sales numbers.  Dan Thorsland and Marv Wolfman‘s dubbed “weirdoverse” titles Night Force, Book of Fate, Scare Tactics, and Challengers of the Unknown. These were mid to late 90’s books, so the editing department might be different. However, when these titles were not doing well in the market they would actually address the problem months before the series concluded. Not the Isis series.

In this final issue Jack C. Harris spends most of the book setting up the Rick Mason character as the next antagonist. Then Jack drops the canceled series bomb on the second to last page. The readers are given the “low sales numbers” excuse at the beginning of the letters to the editor section. The comedy then continues as the editor states they are only posting positive letters from the readers (to hide the complaints I guess).

It’s a shame as I found this book actually interesting. Jack introduces mutants into the storyline. Still no cameos or interactions with other DC superheroes however. I think the old Egyptian wizard in the previous issue was possibly, maybe, sort of Shazam. According to the DC Fandom website it is. I just thought the guy was just a court wizard. I guess it doesn’t matter at this point.

 I’m giving this issue 4 out of 5 stars. As a series in general though, I’m giving it a 2 out of 5 stars. There was so much that could have been done to make this series much more compelling. DC definitely dropped the ball with this version of the Isis property. I would like to say that from my research, Isis would show up again in various cameo roles, then get another series years later. Her character backstory would receive a rewrite at that point in time. If you are a fan of Shazam, Captain Marvel, or Black Adam, definitely pick this series up.



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