Joe Fixit – Volume 01 Issue 05

Joe Fixit – Volume 01 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Joe Fixit #05”

Attack! Sides have been drawn in the battle for control of Las Vegas and the coveted Coliseum Casino. It’s Kingpin’s men versus Count Nefaria’s Maggia mercenaries. Joe Fixit and Spider-Man have become stuck somewhere in the middle of the fray. 

Within minutes the fight becomes a free-form brawl containing energy blasts, machine-gun fire, and raw feats of strength. Don’t forget the element of water. Take that Rhino! 

As the fight heats up Electro causes a citywide blackout when he taps into the Las Vegas powergrid. Time to send the part-time bad guy and his tourist friend a little message. Electro releases his lightning blast directly at Joe Fixit. Even with all his strength, the Grey Hulk is still susceptible to heart failure. 

Can Spider-Man rescue Joe Fixit from a combination tidal wave and freak lightning storm? Can Berengetti’s men shoot in the dark? How fast will the members of the Sinister-Six turn on eachother? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

We’ve come to the grand conclusion of the Marvel mash-up, random character generator storyline, starring two members of the New Fantastic Four. I thought it was interesting to see some of the Maggia elements with their goals to dominate the Vegas Strip, however the Joe Fixit limited series seemed to be a bit lackluster (for me anyways). There were some definite laughs but not enough to carry this as a true action comedy.

My favorite highlights include the phone argument between Mary Jane and Peter Parker. Apparently these events take place before the Parker’s split up and the Black Cat moves in to mark her territory. I did enjoy Spider-Man’s J. Jonah Jamison baseball jersey scene, as Jamison completely deserves the heat. The Hulk diner scene was epic as well.

All that said, I’m giving this issue three out of five stars, and the series in general the same (three out of five). The art and writing were definitely entertaining but I think the producers were more driven by alternative cover sales. Is this an official Marvel sales tactic? That’s my review and I’m sticking with it.



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Cover Artist(s)

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