Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 AD – Volume 01 Issues 01

Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 AD – Volume 01 Issues 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Magnus, Robot Fighter”

The year is 4000 AD. Earth’s population has increased at a significant rate, leading humanity to construct continent sized cities to house their citizens. In those years a technology boom spawned the Robot Age – a time when humans embraced robotic labor in every level of industry and domestic affairs. Over time, man did less as robots were assigned to higher positions in society. Be it government, policing, and even military functions, the machines had become embedded in human culture. Then came Magnus.

Born to unknown parents, Magnus was abducted from an orphanage as an infant, then whisked away to an underwater home somewhere in the Antarctic Ocean. There a rebellious Robot designated A1 trained Magnus in the sciences, engineering, and martial arts. As the boy grew into a man, so did his strength. Magnus was able to break metal with his very fists. It was at this time A1 was certain his protégé was ready to help free mankind from the evil robots which had infiltrated their society.

Magnus’ story begins in Sector H, Level 5, of North Am. As his metal mentor is being pursued by several Air-Police units, Magnus receives last minute instruction. Then A1 puts their air-car into a nosedive, sending the vehicle rocketing through several lanes of sky traffic. It’s time for the savior of humanity to make his way into the urban jungle of towering superstructures and megalithic features. Welcome to Earth, 4000 AD.

“World Of The Future”

This is a nice editorial about what the future holds based on current science fiction themes. Modern readers will have to remember some ideas and science has advanced greatly since 1963. It’s an interesting read nonetheless. We did put a man on the moon. That’s as cool as a man fighting robots. Right?

“The Aliens”

Three-thousand light years from Earth, Captain Johner orders his spaceship pilot to raise the anti-missile shields. Just two clicks from their starboard side an alien vessel has launched two projectiles in their direction. In response to this unprovoked attack, the Earth ship returns fire with twin Laser-ray blasters. The Captain believes the blasts will take out the threat, but the aliens have a surprise of their own. They too fire some type of energy weapon.

For the next few minutes the two ships trade blows but none seem to have the advantage over the other. Who will prevail in this dangerous first contact scenario? Only Captain Johner seems to have the answers.

“North Am City”

Come follow an alien tourist as it visits North America’s largest city complex, North Am. Will mankind’s greatest achievements be enough to impress a being from another solar system? If four-thousand years of innovation and social construct are not enough to impress, maybe try Uranus.

Reviewer Notes

Update 1/10/2024 – I originally reviewed the Dark Horse Comics reprint of Magnus Robot Fighter No.1 in 2023. My review stands as before (see below). The difference in the printings is the original comic book included three additional mini stories which I’ve included above. Both are great entertainment, but if you’re lucky enough to find a copy of the original, definitely get it. If not, don’t worry. The Dark Horse version has the complete Magnus story. The additional material in the original Gold Key issue is filler and adds nothing to the main storyline. With that said, here is my review again…

This is it. This is the one that inspired a whole generation of comic creators to pursue science fiction storytelling. Magnus Robot Fighter was first released in 1962 and introduced readers to the dystopian world of tyrannical robots, new-wave socialism, and a population spiraling out of control.

Personally, I knew very little about this series in general. Then I watched some old interviews with former Marvel Editor In Chief, Jim Shooter, and he praised the series immensely. He loved the character so much that he licensed the character from Western Publishing for a second run at Valiant Entertainment in the early 1990s.

What a fun read this was. In the world of smartphones, social media, and out of control governments, 2023 has many similarities that plague the world of 4000 AD. Even though some of the science fiction art and ideas are outdated by today’s standards, the story is very solid. What’s not to like about robots and space cars? I’m giving “Magnus – Robot Fighter” four out of five stars.  If you can swing it, I would recommend getting the trade paperbacks if you can find them. It’s a fun look into the past. Go get em’ tigers!



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