Marvel Spotlight – Volume 01 Issue 03

Marvel Spotlight – Volume 01 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The Thing In The Cellar!”

The first night, Malibu California, the full moon peeks over the Russell family beach house. Inside the bungalow, the searing pain of Jack’s transformation has pushed his humanity into the subconscious mind, leaving only the beast. Outside a vintage roadster races up the driveway and skids to a halt just feet from the front door. It’s Jack’s sister Lissa, and she seems in distress. 

Normally Jack Russell would have struggled to pick up on his sister’s dismay. The werewolf, on the other hand, could smell her fear. The mixture of sweat and adrenaline covered her body, as the sound of Lissa’s own heart thumped wildly in the monster’s ears. In seconds that organic rhythm would be drowned out by the sounds of several motorcycles approaching. As Lissa frantically tries to unlock the front door a transient looking lowlife on a chopper crashes through the large picture windows. Lissa is sent sprawling across the living room floor. The werewolf watches the events from the second story landing.

Rage for what the longhaired man had done to the woman, sends the wolf on a blind rampage. As two more members of the Hell-Runners gang step through the rubble and glass shards the monster leaps into the fray. To Jack’s luck, the force of the crash had left Lissa unconscious. Better for a wolf to hunt his prey.

Can an unseasoned monster defeat three maniacs with rape and murder on their minds? Why does one of Phillip Russell’s associates insist on helping Jack escape the crime scene? Who is Agatha Andrea Timly and how does she know about Gregor Russoff’s Darkhold? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Those pesky outlaw biker gangs and their constant skullduggery. Can’t a nice young girl just drive to a remote location in the dark anymore? Come on, man! You will see lots of references to hippies and biker gangs in Marvel’s early Bronze Age books. Anytime a monster eats a hippie a dead comic book writer gets his wings.

Werewolf by Night has slowly begun to fight his way up the ladder of thugs, gangbangers, and low level villains. The good news is Jack has become aware of the Darkhold in issue three of Marvel’s Spotlight. The bad news is he doesn’t know what it can do to the mind of a reader.

I have an odd question after reading this book. Is Agatha Andrea Timly a low rent version of Agatha Harkness, or just some wacked out sociopath with minor psychic abilities? They seem very similar.

The Kraig character on the other hand, is kind of a half Igor, half Frankenstein’s monster knockoff. I dig his metal hand though. All that said, I recommend getting this book if you’re a Werewolf By Night fan. If not, just think of the Darkhold. It’s a four out of five stars kind of book for me.



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