Marvel Unleashed – Volume 01 Issue 04

Marvel Unleashed – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Marvel Unleashed – Part 04”

Into the breach! Myron Darkwater’s portal device has been recharged and a gateway opened to Earth. “What now”, Redwing the hawk frantically caws to the other animal heroes. Blackheart has reached his end-game as his demonic army begins to march on the portal. Let’s split the party!

As Redwing, Chewie, and Myron rush to free Lockjaw from the sedation inducing machine, D-Dog and Bats rush towards the portal to block the overwhelming number of Demons from escaping to Earth. Can a German shepherd and the ghostly Basset Hound stand a chance against overwhelming numbers? It’s time to do what dogs do best, defend humans!

Near the entrance to the castle fortress of Blackheart, Throg makes his last stand against the demon prince. Seizing upon the frog’s misfortune, Blackheart charges at the hammerless Asgardian in an attempt to destroy the hero with a quick deathblow. Fortunately for Throg, his superior leaping ability allows him to dodge the blow. But even an animal with supernatural abilities can’t trade blow for blow with a Demon forever, especially when the fight takes place inside the Demon’s own pocket dimension.

Will the animals of Earth 616 be able to stop a major invasion powered by the Inhuman dog named Lockjaw? How many Demons can a Flerken chuck, if a Flerken could chuck Demons? Did Blackheart just threaten the wrong man’s dog? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

We’ve reached the final climax to the pet epic known as Marvel Unleashed. I have to admit the ending was a tearjerker but in a good, storytelling way. There is also a surprise cameo that I really enjoyed seeing. There is one question that I need answered. Just how powerful is a Flerken, anyways? Geez, talk about a game changer.

This issue was fun all around, so I’m giving it four out of five stars. As a series overall, I think it deserves a hearty D-Dog sized four out of five stars as well. If you’re an animal lover and Marvel fan, I think you will love this miniseries. Come on, it has Lockjaw, a ghost dog, and a hammer throwing frog. What more do you need in this world?



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