Red Circle Sorcery – Volume 01 Issue 06

Red Circle Sorcery – Volume 01 Issue 06

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Warrior’s Dream

Somewhere and sometime, lost within the dark ages, men killed men over land, wealth, and for simple pleasure. Of those men, a few survived by the selling of their broadswords. One man, Greygor, did such acts and much, much more. 

 Haunted by his deeds, Greygor travels east looking for food and shelter. He hasn’t slept for what seems to be days. The dreams come and are always the same. Her face. Those dead eyes! Blood flows in deep red torrents from those sunken globes. How did his anger get so out of control?

 That night, inside a run-down inn, Greygor consumes drinks while the locals celebrate their evening meal. “More ale” is all he can muster to the serving wench. The woman smiles at Greygor as she returns with libations. Lust fills her eyes. He does not return the sentiment. For some odd reason she looks so familiar. Has the troubled vagabond met this temptress in the past? 

 He has had so many women the memories of them swirl together like sand in the ocean surf. Will this one help Greygor forget the dreams which pull him into madness? Or is the darkness his only fate? 

Essays into the Supernatural (the Werewolf)

Who are they? What is the nature of a werewolf? Why do they kill? Where do they come from? This is a one page summary by Marv Channing.

Out of Practice 

High above the city, tucked away in a plush New York penthouse, Dr. Marcus lays on his deathbed. A mysterious illness has overcome the young doctor, his lucrative practice is in danger. A colleague stands over the fading physician and mixes words with little remorse. Will the old man see to Dr. Marcus and his patients until the sickness passes? 

Several doctors throughout the city have been afflicted with this mystery disease in recent months. Dr. Foss, Dr. Reuther, and Dr. Burncroft are just to name a few. All of these men have grown extremely wealthy tending to their millionaire patient’s health needs. The only doctors who have not been infected by the mysterious illness are Dr. Knight and the man standing in Dr. Marcus’ bedroom. 

The reality of Dr. Knight’s existence is now in question. Dr. Marcus continues to babble on about witchcraft and magic spells. Will Dr. Marcus’ colleague be able to save him from this rapidly degenerating disease?

Death goes to a Sales Convention 

The nineteen-sixties is the heyday of prestigious ad agencies with all their decadence and over indulgence. Over confident salesmen walk with a certain swagger. Women are but objects for those with money and power. This tale is about one such group of men. Say hello to the sales staff at Traub Electronics. 

After a banner selling year the company has rewarded these men with a trip to Costa Del Sol, a plush area of Spain. Meet Harvey. He has more than his share of arrogance. His voracious appetite for women, and pleasures they give, seems to have no bounds. Does Harvey’s wife know his true nature? 

After tolerating the daily morning sales meetings, Harvey and the others escape to roam the streets of quaint mountain villages. They are in search of their daily prey. The women, those lovely sexpots with long legs and deep tan lines, are the preoccupation of every salesman. Costa Del Sol was heaven compared to the dreaded family lives they must return to. Time for Harvey to fill the cup of over indulgence. 

During an extremely unlucky night with a feisty gold digger, Harvey rents a Lamborghini Espada and drives off into the winding hills to clear his head. The yellow light from the head lamps splashed across the gravel road as he guns the engine. The growl from the rear mounted engine puts him into a state of trance. Or is it much more?

A man, no more than a simple farm hand, suddenly appears up ahead in the road. The adrenaline flows into Harvey’s alcohol soaked blood. He must break, he must break now! But he cannot. Harvey must kill! Faster, he must go faster!

Later in the night poor Harvey Muller sits inside a police interrogation room. The police are about to inform him of a reality he is not prepared to accept. There is no record of Harvey ever leaving for a sales trip to Spain. His wife and employer filed missing persons reports with New York city police weeks prior. So, Señor Muller, time to tell us the truth…

The Patience of a Cat

Love can have many suitors. Some are honest and forever truthful, while others can take flight with little temptation. The test of true love can come in many different forms. One being the offering of trinkets.

In Elizabethan England, young Linnet of Cheapside, sits fixating over her looks, while her swain, Tom, begs her to stay. She moves her hand mirror from side to side, then up and down. Her hair is perfect. The dress, fabulous. The jewelry however has lost its luster. Tom must go before lovely Linnet can be joined by her newest admirer. The man will be here in a few minutes, and with him such shiny trinkets he will bring.

 Tom struggles with Linnet. She is his now and he will not give her up! Hands fly as Tom tries to wrestle Linnet out of the room through an arched doorway. She must be saved from her own ambitions. Then from Tom’s eyes, Linnet grows much, much taller, almost filling the room. Or, has Tom grown much smaller? Tom’s voice goes silent. Does he have a tail now? In seconds jealousy turns to fear as he realizes Linnet has turned him into a calico cat.

 Will Linnet’s newest suitor fall under her spell? Has the devil come to Cheapside? Only time will tell through cat’s eyes.

The Black Fog

Hal Thunder blasted through the locked bedroom door with the force of a NFL linemen. The shoulder blow almost ripping the hinges off the door frame. Inside Hal comes face to face with the serial killer known as the Strangler. 

The masked lunatic stands above Linda as she lay unconscious on her bed. Hal Thunder has no idea if she was alive or dead. Then a black cloud begins to fill his mind. His next memory is of himself outside on the apartment building ledge, fifteen stories above the bustling night streets. 

There he traded blows with the Strangler. The man is strong and quick, but Hal is much better in both departments. Then Hal makes a mistake and his footing slips. In the matter of seconds. Hal is left hanging from the ledge, his body dangling towards the concrete below. The black cloud begins to return quicker this time.

Hal looked into Linda’s blue eyes. He holds her in a lover’s embrace. They stand in her New York city apartment living room. Where was the Strangler? Linda is still alive? The darkness begins to slowly creep back into Hal Thunder’s mind. What is the madness of this black cloud? 

Face of Love, Face of Death

The job was from six to midnight. The station was in the small town of Twin Corners. Larry Winters was the newest disc jocky to hit the airwaves. It was his time to shine.

Larry was content with the hours. His listeners, mostly single women, loved his silver tongue and sappy top forty picks. He was a lady’s man and had them all eating out of his hand. A question lingered in the back of his mind however. Why had so many jockeys quit this gig? 

The management had no answers. It was a transient business throughout the country. The last guy just disappeared without leaving notice. Larry really didn’t care, it was his gig now and it was a fruitful one indeed.

Each midnight Larry Winter had his pick of young groupies, and yes they were willing to do anything for him. They would call the show, request a song, and that was enough to get his hooks into them. 

Months passed until one evening a woman call in to the show. Her voice was so different than the others. The woman was intriguing but unwilling to meet the silver tongue serpent for drinks. This thrilled Larry even more. He had to have her. The woman’s voice was so mesmerizing.

Will Larry Winter find his muse? Can he have his way with her like all the others? Why did so many disc jockeys quit the job of a lifetime?

Reviewer’s Notes

Red Circle Comics was a brief offshoot of Archie Comics and was geared towards older readers. “Red Circle Sorcery” #6 is a continuation of the “Chilling Adventures In Sorcery” series, which is itself a continuation of the “Chilling Adventures In Sorcery As Told By Sabrina” series started in Archie Comics. From my research anyways. 

This book uses the standard format of multiple horror stories told by different writers. I did enjoy most of the plots but I think you might need to be of a certain age to really enjoy the work. The stories really have that 1970s network television, movie of the week, feel to them. If you want some nostalgia with sideburns I would recommend this series.

I’m giving this issue three out of five stars.



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