Savage Red Sonja – Volume 01 Issue 03

Savage Red Sonja – Volume 01 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Sonja sulked upon her wooden throne of sorrow, although she was not the first. The innkeeper supplied her with many bottled libations that day but the nightmares Sonja faced in the Red Dune Wastelands could never be drowned out or forgotten. Her thoughts kept returning to the young lovers slain by the cannibal bandits seeking entrance into the castle of King Gresh. 

In every victory there is a sacrifice it seems. Sonja had retrieved the coveted Blood Ruby, razed the keep to the cursed dunes; hell, she even disposed of the foul tentacled beast dwelling underneath the sands, but she could not save the lovers from their doom. Was it their fate?

Now the deceitful map seller had returned to torment Sonja with his new tale of the long dead King Gresh. As the man named Markus pontificated about a second, sister artifact to the Blood Ruby, Red Sonja only retreated back into her thoughts. Why was she still living the life of a sellsword? In her youth Sonja cared not for family ties or the simple life. After the death of the young redheaded woman in the desert it is all she pined for.

Can the witch’s husband convince Sonja to quest for the scepter of King Gresh? What has Markus offered that is more valuable than gold? How dangerous are the Slayers of Shadizar? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Red Sonja is definitely suffering from the moody blues. Wow, you can cut the tension with a knife. One question, what the heck does the mayor of this Jerkwater Zamorian town have that is worth sending an elite group of Shadizar warriors to play wet nurse? Kudos to Dynamite Entertainment for paying homage to the three Storms from Big Trouble in Little China. They were my favorite movie villains of all time.

I have to admit Savage Red Sonja has swiftly outpaced the regular Red Sonja series. I’m giving this issue four out of five stars. Hopefully we see Sonja and the Slayers of Shadizar cross swords. She needs some real adversaries or she will never get laid.



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