She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 10

She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 10

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The body of Jack of Hearts lays motionless on the floor. Jennifer’s recent battle with the gamma powered Mark and April Booth has left the surrounding laboratory smashed up beyond repair. The only true casualty in the kidnapping of She-Hulk is her lover.

Jennifer begins to cry at the thought of never seeing Jack alive again. Then his eyes pop open in a look of pure fear. His powers have returned! Without his containment suit the living reactor only has minutes before he goes nuclear! Without saying a word, Jack of Hearts rockets up through the roof of the Midtown brownstone, leaving Jennifer Walters standing there confused and feeling empty inside.

Will She-Hulk ever hold her man in a loving embrace again? Can Patsy Walker – A.K.A. Hellcat help put things into perspective? Do the people of the state of New York find the defendant, Doombot, guilty on all 3000 counts of manslaughter? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

After last issue’s failed 4th wall breaking attempt, Rainbow Rowell actually writes a solid She-Hulk story. Now, if she can keep this up on a monthly basis we might get somewhere. The best part of this book was the Doombot trial (in my humble opinion). Awesome Andy brings out the best in Mallory Book, even when that is a rare event. I’m giving this issue 4 out of 5 stars.



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