She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 11

She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 11

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Girl Can’t Help It”

The first rule of Fight Club is no punching Ben Grimm in the money maker. Think of his fans! With that unwritten rule in place, She-Hulk and the other members begin their first free-form melee session at an undisclosed construction lot. Ben Grimm teams up with the living basalt, aka Volcana. Jennifer partner’s up with her biggest rival, Titania. Wow, things have changed haven’t they?

Standing on the sidelines next to a roach coach, New York Mayor Luke Cage puts his arm out and waits for a tag in. No one takes him up on his offer as beating up on the mayor of America’s biggest city, even when his skin is indestructible, seems a bit foolish. Danny Rand, a.k a. The Iron Fist, chuckles slightly as he watches the fun build up.

Later that evening Jennifer joins her man Jack for dinner at Janet Van Dyne’s apartment. Things have been slowly deteriorating with their relationship recently. Jack’s power has been restored, forcing him back into his dreaded containment suit. Both of them realize their summer fling is just not sustainable. Both talk for a few hours until Jen gets a call from her old friend, Susan Storm. 

Will She-Hulk stay and sulk with Jack of Hearts, or take a new job offer at the Baxter Build? Who’s the new “talent” hacking into Reed Richard’s security system? Will Luke Cage ever get tagged into the sandlot brawl? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

We get a new artist and some Fight Club action in She-Hulk issue 11. I only wish they would have extended the fight a bit longer, as to me it was the most interesting part of the story. Titania and Volcana are back, even if it’s only briefly. 

The main focus of the book seems to be on the secret hidden at the Baxter Building. Oh, and who is the newbie character in the blue domino mask? Unlike the previous issues of She-Hulk, it looks like Rainbow Rowell is finally trying to add more story elements. For now, I’m giving this issue 3 out of 5 stars.



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