She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 14

She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 14

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.

“Girl Can’t Help It – Part 04”

Jennifer Walters has just left a meeting at the Baxter Building. Today was her chance to make an impression on the members of the Fantastic Four, but her noticeable involvement with their primary suspect in the theft of bomb making parts has strained their trust. It also didn’t help that Johnny was ribbing the jade giantess on her man-crush.

Later, after a day in court defending the low level criminal known as 8-Ball, Jennifer is greeted by Mallory Book and her stolen government tech. Why does Mallory have more of that “Bulkhustler” rope in her possession? Awesome Andy doesn’t need that associated with him. Jennifer snatches the last of the patented pending material out of her boss’ hands and leaves for home.

Is the relationship between Jennifer and Jack truly over? Does Jennifer really have feelings for the magic muscles of the Scoundrel? Who came into possession of the stolen Bomb making parts? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

There is very little story advancement or new material added in this issue of She-Hulk. The beginning exchange between the members of the Fantastic Four was funny but wasn’t enough to carry this storyline. I use the word “storyline” loosely. 

I’m not sure how many old school She-Hulk fans are still following this series; I can’t imagine there are a lot. I’m giving this issue two out of five stars. If you like Volume four I would suggest reading the original Sensational She-Hulk series. It’s just a suggestion.



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