Showcase – Volume 01 Issue 77

Showcase – Volume 01 Issue 77

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Angel And The Ape”

Mr. Trumbell was just a simple businessman. He didn’t ask for much in life. When the opportunity presented itself to vacation in Switzerland he jumped at the chance. Unfortunately for Mr. Trumbell, he jumped too high and broke his leg. A nice Swiss doctor set his leg and sent him on his way.

A week later, back in the good ol’ US of A, Mr. Trumbell is having many strange accidents. When he bends over to pick up the newspaper in the morning, someone shoots poison tipped arrows at the door behind him. As he turns the street corner, some random trash can takes a shot at him with a Ruger semi-automatic pistol. What is going on here? Holy smokes, someone is trying to kill Mr. Trumbell! Time to call in some professional help. 

Welcome to O’Day and Simeon Private Investigators, how can we help you? Meet Angel O’Day. She is a master at detecting, judo, and attractive looks. Her partner is Sam, Sam Simeon. He’s a little different. Some may be intimidated by his gorilla’ish good looks, but he is a stand up ape. Sam’s the muscle and part-time comic book artist of the team. Mr. Trumbell, get ready to have your case closed!

Why are so many assassins taking pot shots at simple Trumbell? Did you know snakes are deaf and not groovey? Will Sam finally get his paychecks from Brainpix Publications, Inc.? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Lookout Batman, there’s some new year one detectives in town! I can say firmly that Angel and the Ape puts the slap in slap-stick comedy. Ki’yaaah!

DC Comics has proved over many years of publishing that apes equal sales. Yes, that’s an actual fact, so look it up. When DC comics sales were low, they would add a gorilla to their covers and booyah, spikes in sales. I’m not sure if this was the reason for creating Angel and the Ape, but hot women, martial arts, and talking gorillas made me buy this series. Just saying.

The art is top notch, the writing is good, and the humor is very Austin Powers centric. If you are looking for a more unique series to collect, there are only seven issues in the original run. Angel and the Ape will not break the bank. A five star rating for this DC Showcase.



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