The Brave and the Bold- Volume 01 Issue 93

The Brave and the Bold- Volume 01 Issue 93

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Batman and the House Of Mystery – Red Water Crimson Death”

The witching hour grows near as a fog bank thickens throughout the old Dutch district of Gotham City. The sounds of heavy footsteps can be heard running down the street near an old Victorian cottage house. A familiar voice yells out a warning to stop, but the man being chased does no such thing.

Inside the musty old home a wisp of a man looks on and comments about the scene taking place through an arched glass window. It is Cain of the House of Mysteries. But what is he doing in Gotham? No time to ponder as a pistol wielding crook stumbles up the stairs towards the front door of the cottage. Batman is not far behind. 

It has been a week since Batman has slept. His limbs feel heavy and cumbersome. He must not falter as there is so much crime to fight. But as the crook turns to shoot, the caped crusader makes a classic rookie mistake. Batman slips on the bottom step leading up to the porch. The criminal takes aim and fires. 

Cain smiles inside the abandoned home as the gunman pulls the trigger but nothing happens. It is a misfire! How can it be? It seems fate has shifted in Batman’s favor. The spectral Cain knows otherwise. Batman recovers in time and subdues the criminal. Commissioner Gordon arrives with backup minutes later. 

Later that night Commissioner Gordon insists Batman takes a vacation. In fact Gordon demands it. After a long exchange of words Batman agrees to leave. He boards an ocean liner the very next day, his destination is the emerald isle of Ireland. Bruce Wayne must recover his health before another slip and fall becomes a much more deadly affair.

What mysteries does Cain have in store for Batman? Can the dream dimension affect the analytical mind of Bruce Wayne? Where do those mysterious red tides come from? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I’ve been looking for this issue of the Brave and the Bold for some time now, and I finally got a copy! After reading some of the other BATB issues I was very skeptical of this tie in to the House of Mysteries. All speculation be dawned!

This was a really fun vintage Batman story. Unlike some of the other issues of the Brave and the Bold, Batman is put up against supernatural forces and the grittiness works like a charm. 



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