The Fog – Volume 01 Issue 04

The Fog – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The Fog – Part 04”

Andrew Wayne and his family have survived the first wave of attacks while the fog continues to envelop the town of Antonio Bay. No one is spared the curse of the Elizabeth Dane this time, as law enforcement and the townsfolk are slaughtered indiscriminately no matter their ties to the conspiring founders. Something much older than a shipwreck full of vengeful poltergeists controls the fog, and Andrew believes it’s his great-grandfather, John Machen.

What did young Andy Wayne find in his grandfather’s basement following the events of the 1980 slayings? Can Andrew and Casey escape a host of hell-bound spirits controlled by their long-dead grandfather? Will Captain Blake reap his revenge before the plot is revealed? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

I’m bummed now as I have just finished reading the final issue of Sumerian Comics ‘The Fog’, which is an unofficial sequel to John Carpenter’s 1980 movie. The original film is still one of my favorite horror movies to this day, and holds up forty years later in my opinion. I enjoyed what Steve Ekstrom did here, but I feel he left some unanswered questions revolving around John Machen’s “occult” practices.

Did Machen trigger the events that caused Captain Blake to return with the lepers in 1980? Or, did the returning Elizabeth Dane help Machen gain some type of dark power? I do prefer the original curse premise to be honest, but I’m okay with Steve Ekstrom’s vision here. He respected the source material and I applaud him for that. I just wish other publishers would follow the same morals when publishing sequels and reboots.

Even though the ending was very quick, I loved this issue and the series as a whole. I’m giving the final issue four out of five stars. The series gets a solid five out of five stars as well. Hopefully, Sumerian Comics will kick up the barometric pressure and send the fog after us again sooner rather than later.



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