The Keep – Volume 01 Issue 04

The Keep – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“The Devil Wears A Swastika”

The Keep, May 2nd 1941, the killer has returned. Deep inside the sub basement Privates Lichtman and Schmidt have been found decapitated. Major Kaempffer blames Professor Cuza for the murders even though the old man hasn’t left his room.

Night comes and the Professor finds himself in the presence of the vampire Molasar. The creature reveals more about his past and the history of the Keep. The structure cloaked in pseudo Christian iconography is nothing more than a ruse to hide the Moroi from a radical sect of the Christian church. Molasar instructed Professor Cuza further on the Gleaken. They hunted the Moroi to almost extinction before  fading into history. Molasar believed them all deceased until today.

Will Professor Cuza trade his humanity for the gift of eternal youth? Does Molasar have the power to destroy the leader of the Nazi nation? Can Major Kaempffer stop the descendants of the Gleaken sect from entering the Keep? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

The Moroi and Gleaken sect are coming to a head in this issue of the Keep. So much is revealed in this comic book which helps explain what the hell was going on in the movie. I’m excited to read the final issue to see where it ends. 

I hate to talk badly about Matthew Dow Smith since I’ve liked his art in other projects, but this time his penciling is some lackluster at best. I really wished IDW would have gone with a fully colored version. I think it would have added so much. I know I’m nitpicking, but the quality of the paper and production is high quality. Why not go full color? 

This issue gets three out of five stars from me. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a memorable conclusion.  Until next time…



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