The Keep – Volume 01 Issue 05

The Keep – Volume 01 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“He Must Never Leave The Keep”

The final battle is now! Magda’s new love has recovered from his wounds suffered at the hands of the Nazi gunfire. The mysterious case Glenn has carried into Romania contains an ancient sword cast not on this world. The regenerative powers produced by the blade gives the Gleaken his Immortality. The hilt lies somewhere in the sub basement inside the Keep. It was the lock which bound Molasar inside the structure. 

Inside – minutes before sunset, the Vampire used some strange powers to animate the slaughtered Germans. They now creep up through the stairs towards their living counterparts. Molasar has convinced the Professor to remove the “talisman” and carried out and over the portcullis. Will the remaining schutzstaffel be able to stop the wave of zombies?

Inside the gate, Magda tries in vain to convince her father not to remove the ancient sword hilt from the Keep. Glenn has revealed the true origins of Molasar and Gleaken in detail to the young Jewish woman. The confused Professor now offers the monster the talisman but will Molasar take it willingly?

Will Captain Klaus Woermann escape with his men before they are consumed by the undead ghouls? How long have Gleaken and Rasalom lived on the earth in their entirety? Can one entity survive without the other? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

What a great ending to a story. I don’t want to ruin any of the details, but there is a last minute twist that reaffirms the movie’s end. Now I’m stoked to rewatch the film.  If you love the movie or have read F. Paul Wilson’s book you definitely want to get this series. I’m giving this issue four out of five stars. The series overall is a five star production.  



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