The Mighty Barbarians – Volume 01 Issue 05

The Mighty Barbarians – Volume 01 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.

“The Mighty Barbarians – 05”

Goblin tribes have assembled at the foot of Claudia Le Fay’s fortress in preparation for war. These nasty creatures had once allied themselves with the dark witch in a effort to eradicate a nation of Elves from this land; now a new foe has arrived to do battle, but for what, they do not know. The Might Barbarians and their sorceress soon arrive on the field with a new ally. Thanks to Kull, Thongor the berzerk has regained his senses and seeks revenge on the dark witch herself.

Morgan Le Fay, on the other hand, has other motives for stopping her sister from committing multiversal genocide. With only six heroes to stand besider her, it will be an almost suicidal task for them to stop such a host. Things are not completely lost however, for Morgan has one more card to play. She stalls for time as the fight splits into two fronts: Barbarians versus goblins, and witches versus sorceresses.

Will Anansi be able to fool the rank and file soldiers inside the goblin ranks? Can the lost souls of an Elven nation see their deaths avenged? What trick does Morgan Le Fay have up her sleeve. Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Really, they are going with the Lord of the Rings ending? Wow, this series has turned out to be a huge bummer. Rather than focusing on a unique story with an interesting plot, the writers have turned this whole thing into a dysfunctional hodgepodge of famous characters ripped off the pages of other literary works and folktales. They might as well have Tom Sawyer and Paul Bunyan jump into the fray. Yeah, it is that nonsensical. 

Ablaze Comics really pushed Kull of Atlantis in the marketing of this series. I mistakenly  thought this was going to be a new vehicle for future Kull stories; not so. Kull has become a minor player in this at best. I’m going to go with a two star rating here. I really wish I could give it more thought. With the release of Titan Books new “Conan the Barbarian” series, it really has set a higher bar for quality. Kull said it best on the last page of this book, “It’s time to end this!”



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