Domestics – 4000 AD

In the world of 4000 AD, Magnus was trained from an infant to combat evil robots intent on destroying mankind. In the beginning of his adventures these are just some of the robots he interacted with.
The Domestics – these are the standard robots used by Earth’s population for everyday tasks ranging from home household work to schooling human children. The domestics are the base model robots and come in a variety of colors. Earlier models were programmed with independent thinking (example: 1A – the robot that trained Magnus). Over the years all robots began to be programmed with less independent logic and connected to a centralized “Control-Rob” network.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #1, 1963)
Repair-Robs – 4000 AD

Similar to Domestics, the Repair-Robs have a specific task in human society. These are the construction workers and repairmen of the future. It will be obvious if you see a Repair-Rob as it will be painted in standard construction orange and be modified with enhanced strength and/or various tools need for their specific job.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #01, 1963)
Sports-Robs – 4000 AD

As you may have guessed, in the year 4000 AD humans have replaced athletes with modified domestic robot. In the above example two football teams clash for the Superbowl championship. As with the past, the league owners will be paint their robots in a specific color to promote team unity in the stands.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #1, 1963)
Polrobs & A-Polrobs – 4000 AD

The Police
In 4000 AD, humans have come to rely completely on robots to secure and police it’s society. Thus the standard Polrob unit was created. The Polrob (Police Robot) has been programmed with typical law enforcement algorithms and hand to hand combat skills.
As with Domestics, Polrobs are connected to Central-Rob, as well as Police HQ. Using standard operating procedure, Polrobs will radio in if their standard programming needs additional input. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to accepting responsibility for mistakes.
A variant of the Polrob is the A-Polrob. The A-Polrob (Air Police Robot) is usually found piloting standard Police Air-Cars, used to patrol both air traffic, and ground speedway roads. The only difference between the Polrob and A-Polrob types is one is assigned to air duty. All standard police units seemed to be painted white for consistency.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #1, 1963)
Riot-Robs & Office Polrobs – 4000 AD

Special Units
It seems that there are variants inside the Police Headquarters. All Polrob units assigned to interior work are painted in dark blues and black. In the above example the Desk Sergeant is painted in the darker colors, and also fixed into position to improve performance.
The Riot-Robs are a variation of the Polrobs. These units have been upgraded with enhanced strength, heavier armor, and modified with tracked mobility. The Riot-Robs are connected to both centralized networks.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #1, 1963)
H8 – Polrob Chief – 4000 AD

Chief of Police (Malfunctioning Units)
As Magnus was trained by 1A to combat evil and malfunctioning robots, the Polrob Chief – H8 was Chief of Police, holding ultimate power over human laws and their ultimate freedom. During a radiation spike, H8’s internals memory circuits were altered, turning the machine into a homicidal maniac.
As with the other Polrob special units, H8 is painted in dark blue and black. It’s unknown what modifications this unit performed on itself, but H8 was able trade blow-for-blow with Magnus. It took a intense energy blast to finally take down the Chief of Police.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #1, 1963)
Medi-Robs – 4000 AD

Modern Medicine
In 4000 AD, humans have turn their healthcare industry over to robot specialists. Say hello to the doctors, nurses, and paramedics of the future. Dubbed Medi-Robs, these units are used for basic medical care services all the way up to life saving surgical procedures. As with Polrobs, the Medirob units are painted white.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #1, 1963)
V Model (Mekman’s Robots) 4000 AD

Z Models
During one of their forays into the shopping district, Magnus and Leeja are attack by a new class of robot with antigravity propulsion systems. It would be later revealed that these custom models were developed by an evil engineer calling himself Mekman. All of these models are registered with a Z designation. Each robot was equipped with antigravity and reinforced armor.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #02, 1963)
Ident-Robs (aka Human-Robs) 4000 AD

Do Ident-Robs dream of robot sheep?
Magnus and Leeja uncover a plot by an evil engineer named Mekman to replace the North Am leadership with robots. These highly advanced models designated “Ident-Robs” look, act, and speak like real humans. Fortunately for humanity, Mekman’s scheme was stopped by the hero Magnus Robot Fighter.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #2, 1963)
Makeup-Robs 4000 AD

Beauty Is Only Metal Deep…
Inside Mekman’s secret factory it is revealed that this mad genius has developed human looking robots designed to replace North Am’s leadership. The only flaw in his Ident-Robs was the skin pigmentation. It would take a team of Makeup-Robs to add flesh tones to the android replacements.
(Unfortunately, the mysterious Makeup-Robs weren’t shown physically. We can only assume there are robot beauty parlors dotting every corner of the North Am landscape.)
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #2, 1963)
Weapon-Robs 4000 AD

Heavy Weapons
During the battle with the mad engineer Mekman, Magnus has to fight against a heavily armed and armored class of robot designated as “Weapon-Robs”. It is unclear if these larger robots is a Police-Rob unit, part of the Military-Rob force, or one of Mekman’s new designs. It is clear however, these robots pack a punch.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #2, 1963)
Defense-Robs 4000 AD

North Am Defense
In the future humans have entrusted Earth’s defense to robots. During an invasion of North Am by a giant robot, Magnus meets with a robot defense chief.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #3, 1963)
Sea-Polrob 4000 AD

Sea Patrol
In North Am, the robot police have embraced hydrofoil technology. During an invasion of Earth, the city defense uses Sea-Polrob units.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #3, 1963)
Spacecraft 4000 AD

Drone Technology
To spare human lives, North Am had developed drone technology to pilot their aircraft and spaceships.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #3, 1963)
Giant Robots 4000 AD

Alien Technology
During an invasion of North Am, a former human scientist had constructed a robot of giant proportions. It was at this point Magnus knew robots could reach large proportions.
(Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 AD #3, 1963)
Welcome to the Relic Keep list of Robots of 4000 AD (Gold Key Comics). These are the robots that I have found through my reading of Magnus, Robot Fighter comic books. If you know of any robots you would like to see added to the timeline, please leave the details in the comments below. Thank you.