Tiger-X – Volume 01 Issue 01

Tiger-X – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Attack From Below”

They found it! The hidden research bunker housing Project Tiger-X has been located by the rebels. Thanks to the disheveled Dr. Onrei, the small band of outcasts now have hope in defeating the Soviet battle-suit armor. There is only one problem, a traitor has been leaking information back to the Russian HQ. Marlene orders her most trusted friends to root out the rat!

Elsewhere, at the converted Austin Airport, the Soviet regional commander, Colonel Savaski, begins an active investigation to find out which of his commanders is to blame for losing Dr. Onrei to rebel hands. Captain Tanya Torvarich was at the location but it was her brother who was in charge of security. 

While Major Mikel Tovarich is in the field racing towards the Tiger-X bunker, Tanya and her romantic interest, Captain Peter Stasov, use their silver tongues to point blame at Mikel. Colonel Savaski orders a full review of the situation after the Major has returned with the Tiger-X battle-suit. 

Will Jordy Mills and the rebel forces reach the Tiger-X bunker before the Soviets? How much infighting has taken place at the Soviet military base in Austin Texas? Can Marlene find the traitor before they cost her precious lives? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

The drama flows over from the original Tiger-X Special and builds quickly in issue one of Tiger-X. There are a few cheesy anime style moments,  but that is expected. In 1988 Japanese Anime and Manga were very popular as you will see Tiger-X is directly influenced by the art and writing style of such IPs as Robotech and Starblazers.

I really like this one, to be honest. Yes, some people don’t like black and white comics, but this was common with indie publishers. The cost outweighed the functionality. Who cares, this was a fun storyline.  I’m giving issue one of Tiger-X four out of five stars.



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