Tomb Of Dracula – Volume 01 Issue 03

Tomb Of Dracula – Volume 01 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Who Stalks the Vampire?”

Thames River, London – England, Frank Drake stands on the guardrail of London Bridge, the dark night mixes with the think fog so common for this time of year. Frank stares down towards the water flowing underneath the bridge, a grim melancholy has set in his mind. Jennie Ovington was dead, his one true love. Her life was taken by the devil known as Vlad Dracula, the count of Transylvania who cheated death by feeding upon human blood.

The monster had turned Jennie into one of the undead, thus corrupting her forevermore. In a struggle with his love inside Castle Dracula a makeshift stake was driven through her heart. Now Frank Drake is lost in a state of shock. As he prepares to jump from the historic bridge, the sounds of a woman shouting from the street level breaks his concentration. Frank begins to fall over the railing, but a huge set of arms grabs him in a steel tight grip. A giant of a man pulls Frank back onto the bridge roadway.

The grieving lover turns to face his savior, a woman calling herself Rachel Von Helsing. It was her porter, a large Hindu named Taj that prevented Jack from ending his life. After a brief introduction the three acquaintances drive off toward London proper in a black Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow.

What does Rachel Von Helsing have planned for the descendant of Count Dracula? Will Clifton Graves escape the clutches of a vampire he helped resurrect? Why does the mysterious socialite, Ilsa Strangway, seek allegiance with the monster who kills to live? Collect the series to find out!

Vampire Lore

  • A vampire may not enter a home he has never before entered unless invited by a member of the household.

Reviewer Notes

Dracula has reached London and he is pissed. Pappa needs his special coffin, stat! Wow, it’s been a year since I’ve read Tomb of Dracula #2, but just like riding a bike, it doesn’t take too much to jump back in. I can see why this series maintained the title of bestselling horror comic. Archie Goodwin and Gene Colan made an excellent team of creators. With Stan Lee steering the ship, Tomb of Dracula, in my mind, is the golden age of Marvel Comics.

I did chuckle however when I began studying the release dates of ‘Tomb of Dracula’ and ‘Werewolf by Night’. Jim Shooter was correct; Marvel Comics had a definite issue with releasing titles on time. There were sometimes months between book releases. Just a side note. It doesn’t take away from the quality or storytelling.

I’m giving issue three of Tomb of Dracula four out of five stars. I can’t wait to read the next issue. Get this series if you dare. Just be prepared to pay a pretty penny. I suggest getting the omnibus books.



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