Tomb Of Dracula – Volume 01 Issue 04

Tomb Of Dracula – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Through a Mirror Darkly!”

A begrudgingly made pact has been agreed upon! The aging fashion model, Isa Strangway, has been granted Immortality by Count Dracula in exchange for a black mirror empowered with demon magic. Ilsa had once procured the relic at auction, and after studying its occult history, discovered it had power over time itself. Dracula would no longer need to adapt himself to the modern industrialized world. He could simply transport himself back to the 18th century. Or can he?

Elsewhere, Frank Drake and Rachel Von Helsing have tracked the vampire lord to Dover, where they discover a safehouse built within a World War II German defense bunker. If Inspector Chelm arrives in the next few minutes the Vampire-Hunters can prove to Scotland Yard the existence of the undead. There is only one obstacle standing in their way, Frank’s old friend, a possessed Clifton Graves. 

Can Taj help Frank Drake break the spell Dracula has placed over Clifton Graves? Does the vampire curse grant eternal beauty in exchange for the thirst? Will a mear flashlight turn the prince of blood in fear? Collect the series to find out!

Vampire Lore

  • All vampires fear the cross. Even the shadow of the cross will cause them to flee in terror.

Reviewer Notes 

Dracula has come so far since the good old days of fog filled alleyways and backroom deals. I almost feel sorry for him and all the rules he must follow. Even electrical tape adhered to a Flashlight lens in the form of a cross repels him in a blind panic. That said, Dracula is still one bad mutha f… 

With that said, this book ends with a major cliffhanger.  I love it, I love it alot. This title is one part horror and two parts soap opera. The lighting effects when the Flashlight is used is my favorite part of this issue. The production team knew their craft. So much so, I’m giving issue four of Tomb of Dracula four out of four stars. 



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